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Daemarius' Infighter Guide | Infighter Guide | Brawler Guide | MapleStory Infighter Guide

Tell Frylock and Meatwad the cat's out of the bag, Dae is back

Last Updated: Nov 17th, 00:13 EST

New Skill Builds!

  • Added a new section on Damage!
  • Moved Storyline

As some of you have heard, we've received a good chunk of Pirate data in our latest patch

In light of this new information I have decided to put my knowledge of the Pirate skills to good use, and have prepared what I think, is a decent skill build for the Infighter. Not only that, but Im adding in a little story line too, as I feel a post with just a stat build is extremely boring.

EDIT - Moved the storyline here

I give FULL credit for the Pirate Skills information to Fiel of SP.net, and all those who helped him. You can see the data for yourselves at the following links:

Pirate Skills
4th Job Pirate Skills

Infighter Videos
Level 200 Gunslinger and Level 180 Infighter

KMS ~ Infighter Job Advancement

1st ~ 2nd Job Skills

3rd Job Skills

4th Job Infighter: Viper

Viper Training at Wyverns

Viper Killing Pianus

Viper using Energy Orb at Sharks

164 Viper @ Newties

3 Vipers at Papulatus

Viper Training at Newties

Building Your Pirate
Infighters can be likened to Warriors in that their Primary Stat is Str and their Secondary Stat is Dex. Unlike warrior however, Infighters REQUIRE Dex to equip their weapons. When rolling for your stats, shoot for a 4/4 on Int/Luk. You need to have 20 Dex to make the first Job advancement.

Your Basic Pirate
Based on the information gathered, I have drafted up a decent stat build for a 1st job Pirate that will become an Infighter:

Total Exp needed (Lvl 10-30): 640,990

Proposed Pirate Builds:

Unfunded Infighter
10: +1 Somersault Kick(1)
11: +2 Somersault Kick(3), +1 Straight(1)
12: +3 Somersault Kick(6)
13: +2 Somersault Kick(8), +1 Straight(2)
14: +3 Somersault Kick(11)
15: +2 Somersault Kick(13), +1 Straight(3)
16: +3 Somersault Kick(16)
17: +3 Somersault Kick(19)
18: +1 Somersault Kick(MAX), +2 Straight(5)
19: +3 Straight(8)
20: +3 Straight(11)
21: +3 Straight(14)
22: +3 Straight(17)
23: +3 Straight(MAX)
24: +1 Dash(1), +2 Quick Motion(2)
25: +3 Quick Motion(5)
26: +3 Quick Motion(8)
27: +3 Quick Motion(11)
28: +3 Quick Motion(14)
29: +3 Quick Motion(17)
30: +3 Quick Motion(MAX)

Skill Dist. at Lvl 30: 61 Points Total
  • 20 Quick Motion
  • 20 Somersault Kick
  • 20 Straight
  • 1 Dash

Well Funded Infighter
10: +1 Somersault Kick(1)
11: +2 Somersault Kick(3), +1 Straight(1)
12: +3 Somersault Kick(6)
13: +2 Somersault Kick(8), +1 Straight(2)
14: +3 Somersault Kick(11)
15: +2 Somersault Kick(13), +1 Straight(3)
16: +3 Somersault Kick(16)
17: +3 Somersault Kick(19)
18: +1 Somersault Kick(MAX), +2 Straight(5)
19: +3 Straight(8)
20: +3 Straight(11)
21: +3 Straight(14)
22: +3 Straight(17)
23: +3 Straight(MAX)
24: +1 Dash(1), +2 Quick Motion(2)
25: +3 Quick Motion(5)
26: +3 Quick Motion(8)
27: +3 Quick Motion(11)
28: +3 Dash(4)
29: +3 Dash(7)
30: +3 Dash(MAX)

Skill Dist. at Lvl 30: 61 Points Total
  • 20 Somersault Kick
  • 20 Straight
  • 11 Quick Motion
  • 10 Dash

Notes on this build
Some believe maxing Straight is better than maxing Somersault Kick. But any experienced Maplers knows Mobbing = faster leveling. I did a mix of Dash and Somersault kick on the experience that speed = faster leveling, so Dash should help just as well. ALSO! Somersault kick can be used when using ANY weapon and WITHOUT one as well, giving you much more versitility

Then again, you can only use Straight in the 2nd Job Advancement. Also, 2nd Job is loaded with mob skills, which also stun. Finally, keep in mind an Infighter only has four 1v1 attacks (five counting Energy Drain) in its ENTIRE arsenal (1st job through 4th): Straight, Double Upper, Fist and Demolition; while it has eight mobbing skills: Somersault Kick, Screw Punch, Backspin Blow, Energy Buster, Shockwave, Snatch, Energy Orb, and Dragon Strike (Leviathon). This means you have alot more choices for mobbing moves than single target skills, so you might want to max out every one you have. And finally, keep in mind that Straight is spammable, and every other Infighter attack is not. The delays seem to piss people off during training, so it may be worth maxing

The difference between the two builds revolves around Quick Motion and Dash. Quick Motion gives acc/avd, while Dash gives you extra speed (Its not like haste, you double tap an arrow key to cast it. If you stop, turn around, etc etc you need to recast it) If you are funded and can afford dex / acc equips, you really dont need to max Quick Motion

Coincidentally, by the time you reach 3rd Job, it really wont matter which one you ended up maxing.

The Way of The Infighter
Thanks to Sheikox for his suggestions, Ive made some revisions

Again, based on the information I have drafted up a skill build of an Infighter

Proposed Infighter Build

30: +1 ImHP(1)
31: +3 ImHP(4)
32: +3 ImHP(7)
33: +3 ImHP(MAX)
34: +2 Screw Punch(2), +1 Knuckle Mastery(1)
35: +3 Knuckle Mastery(4)
36: +1 Knuckle Mastery(5), +2 Knuckle Booster(2)
37: +3 Knuckle Booster(5)
38: +1 Screw Punch(3), +2 Knuckle Mastery(7)
39: +1 Screw Punch(4), +2 Knuckle Mastery(9)
40: +1 Screw Punch(5), +2 Knuckle Mastery(11)
41: +1 Screw Punch(6), +2 Knuckle Mastery(13)
42: +1 Screw Punch(7), +2 Knuckle Mastery(15)
43: +1 Screw Punch(8), +2 Knuckle Mastery(17)
44: +1 Screw Punch(9), +2 Knuckle Mastery(19)
45: +2 Screw Punch(11), +1 Knuckle Booster(6)
46: +2 Screw Punch(13), +1 Double Upper(1)
47: +2 Screw Punch(15), +1 Double Upper(2)
48: +2 Screw Punch(17), +1 Double Upper(3)
49: +2 Screw Punch(19), +1 Double Upper(4)
50: +1 Screw Punch(MAX), +1 Double Upper(5), +1 Backspin Blow(1)
51: +3 Double Upper(8)
52: +3 Double Upper(11)
53: +3 Double Upper(14)
54: +3 Double Upper(17)
55: +3 Double Upper(MAX)
56: +3 Backspin Blow(4)
57: +3 Backspin Blow(7)
58: +3 Backspin Blow(10)
59: +3 Backspin Blow(13)
60: +3 Backspin Blow(16)
61: +3 Backspin Blow(19)
62: +1 Backspin Blow(MAX), +1 MP Recovery(1), +1 Oak Barrel(1)
63: +3 MP Recovery(4)
64: +3 MP Recovery(7)
65: +3 MP Recovery(MAX)
66: +3 Knuckle Booster(9)
67: +3 Knuckle Booster(12)
68: +3 Knuckle Booster(15)
69: +3 Knuckle Booster(18)
70: +2 Knuckle Booster(MAX), +1 Knuckle Mastery(MAX)

Skill Dist. at Lvl 70: 121 Points Total
  • 10 ImHP (Improving Max HP Increase)
  • 20 Knuckle Mastery
  • 20 Knuckle Booster
  • 20 Double Upper
  • 20 Backspin Blow
  • 20 Screw Punch
  • 10 MP Recovery
  • 1 Oak Barrel

Notes on this build
Maxing ImHP first was a given. I decided on maxing Screw Punch first after Imh because most, if not all, Maplers should be CPQing from Lvl 30-50, and that skill would seem to do the most DPS there. Notice this build includes getting Mastery to 5 ASAP to get at least some Booster. It then continues based on the +% per two points put in mastery. Any physical damage based Mapler will tell you Mastery first is key (well most Maplers). After that, get a solid one minute booster, and start slowing down Screw Punch to add to Mastery. Double Upper seems useful, dishing out 580% to a single monster, so when Screw Punch is maxed, start adding points to it. After I decided to add into Backspin Blow. The reason being is from what I learned watching KMS videos. Most high level Bucs and Vipers will Backspin Blow enemies into a corner, then Leviathan / Fist / Shockwave them to death. The rest of the build seems self explanatory. Max MP Recovery, finish up Booster and Mastery

The Buccaneer's Path
~Under Construction~
Update (Nov 17th): Currently working on a "Max Shockwave ASAP" build

Proposed Buc Build

Transform / Shockwave vs Energy Charge / Energy Buster

Both sets of skills are grouped together to give the best possible DPS. Problem is, you can only go transformed every four minutes (Skill lasts two minutes with an six minute cooldown). So for that time you must rely on your 2nd job skills. Some people might not like this and opt for the Energy Charge / Energy Buster combo first. If so, here's your build:

70: +1 Stun Mastery(1)
71: +3 Stun Mastery(4)
71: +3 Stun Mastery(7)
73: +3 Stun Mastery(10)
74: +3 Stun Mastery(13)
75: +3 Stun Mastery(16)
76: +3 Stun Mastery(19)
77: +1 Stun Mastery(MAX), +1 Energy Charge(1), +1 Energy Buster(1)
78: +2 Energy Charge(3), +1 Energy Buster(2)
79: +2 Energy Charge(5), +1 Energy Buster(3)
80: +2 Energy Charge(7), +1 Energy Buster(4)
81: +2 Energy Charge(9), +1 Energy Buster(5)
82: +2 Energy Charge(11), +1 Energy Buster(6)
83: +2 Energy Charge(13), +1 Energy Buster(7)
84: +2 Energy Charge(15), +1 Energy Buster(8)
85: +1 Energy Charge(16), +2 Energy Buster(10)
86: +1 Energy Charge(17), +2 Energy Buster(12)
87: +2 Energy Charge(19), +1 Energy Buster(13)
88: +2 Energy Charge(21), +1 Energy Buster(14)
89: +2 Energy Charge(23), +1 Energy Buster(15)
90: +1 Energy Charge(24), +2 Energy Buster(17)
91: +1 Energy Charge(25), +2 Energy Buster(19)
92: +3 Energy Buster(22)
93: +2 Energy Charge(27), +1 Energy Buster(23)
94: +2 Energy Charge(29), +1 Energy Buster(24)
95: +2 Energy Charge(31), +1 Energy Buster(25)
96: +2 Energy Charge(33), +1 Energy Buster(26)
97: +2 Energy Charge(35), +1 Energy Buster(27)
98: +2 Energy Charge(37), +1 Energy Buster(28)
99: +3 Energy Charge(MAX)
100: +2 Energy Buster(MAX), +1 Transform(1)
101: +2 Transform(3), +1 Shockwave(1)
102: +2 Transform(5), +1 Shockwave(2)
103: +2 Transform(7), +1 Shockwave(3)
104: +2 Transform(9), +1 Shockwave(4)
105: +2 Transform(11), +1 Shockwave(5)
106: +2 Transform(13), +1 Shockwave(6)
107: +2 Transform(15), +1 Shockwave(7)
108: +2 Transform(17), +1 Shockwave(8)
109: +2 Transform(19), +1 Shockwave(9)
110: +1 Transform(MAX), +2 Shockwave(11)
111: +3 Shockwave(14)
112: +3 Shockwave(17)
113: +3 Shockwave(20)
114: +3 Shockwave(23)
115: +3 Shockwave(26)
116: +3 Shockwave(29)
117: +1 Shockwave(MAX) +2 Energy Drain(2)
118: +3 Energy Drain(5)
119: +3 Energy Drain(8)
120: +3 Energy Drain(11)

Then again, if the entire reason you made an Infighter was to Transform and look flashy (like 90% of the people who will make one), this would be your build

70: +1 Transform(1)
71: +2 Transform(3), +1 Shockwave(1)
72: +2 Transform(5), +1 Shockwave(2)
73: +2 Transform(7), +1 Shockwave(3)
74: +2 Transform(9), +1 Shockwave(4)
75: +2 Transform(11), +1 Shockwave(5)
76: +2 Transform(13), +1 Shockwave(6)
77: +2 Transform(15), +1 Shockwave(7)
78: +2 Transform(17), +1 Shockwave(8)
79: +2 Transform(19), +1 Shockwave(9)
80: +1 Transform(MAX), +2 Shockwave(11)
81: +3 Shockwave(14)
82: +3 Shockwave(17)
83: +3 Shockwave(20)
84: +3 Shockwave(23)
85: +3 Shockwave(26)
86: +3 Shockwave(29)
87: +1 Shockwave(MAX), +2 Stun Mastery(2)
88: +3 Stun Mastery(5)
89: +3 Stun Mastery(8)
90: +3 Stun Mastery(11)
91: +3 Stun Mastery(14)
92: +3 Stun Mastery(17)
93: +3 Stun Mastery(MAX)
94: +2 Energy Charge(2), +1 Energy Buster(1)
95: +2 Energy Charge(4), +1 Energy Buster(2)
96: +2 Energy Charge(6), +1 Energy Buster(3)
97: +2 Energy Charge(8), +1 Energy Buster(4)
98: +2 Energy Charge(10), +1 Energy Buster(5)
99: +2 Energy Charge(12), +1 Energy Buster(6)
100: +2 Energy Charge(14), +1 Energy Buster(7)
101: +2 Energy Charge(16), +1 Energy Buster(8)
102: +1 Energy Charge(17), +2 Energy Buster(10)
103: +2 Energy Charge(19), +1 Energy Buster(11)
104: +2 Energy Charge(21), +1 Energy Buster(12)
105: +2 Energy Charge(23), +1 Energy Buster(13)
106: +1 Energy Charge(24), +2 Energy Buster(15)
107: +1 Energy Charge(25), +2 Energy Buster(17)
108: +3 Energy Buster(28)
109: +2 Energy Charge(30), +1 Energy Buster(18)
110: +2 Energy Charge(32), +1 Energy Buster(19)
111: +2 Energy Charge(34), +1 Energy Buster(20)
112: +2 Energy Charge(36), +1 Energy Buster(21)
113: +2 Energy Charge(38), +1 Energy Buster(22)
114: +2 Energy Charge(MAX), +1 Energy Buster(23)
115: +3 Energy Buster(26)
116: +3 Energy Buster(29)
117: +1 Energy Buster(MAX), +2 Energy Drain(2)
118: +3 Energy Drain(5)
119: +3 Energy Drain(8)
120: +3 Energy Drain(11)

Skill Dist. at Lvl 120: 151 Points Total

  • 20 Transform
  • 20 Stun Mastery
  • 40 Energy Charge
  • 30 Shockwave

(Max EB Build)
  • 30 Energy Buster
  • 11 Energy Drain

(Max ED Build)
  • 20 Energy Drain
  • 21 Energy Buster

Notes on this build

Energy Drain vs Energy Buster

The choice between the two seems obvious to me, but those of us that have been researching the Pirate class throughly have come at an inpass about this. There are those saying that maxed Energy Drain would be more beneficial than maxed Energy Buster, since absorbing more HP per hit could save your life. Another argument for maxed Energy Drain is that there are plenty of other hard hitting attacks a Buc could use instead of Energy Buster. But, Energy Drain, as far as we know, only hits one monster at a time, while Energy Buster can hit four. There are many pros to having Maxed Energy Buster as well. You are dishing out 420% damage over four enemies (thats 1680%). This also out damages Screw Punch (three enemies at 420% a piece = 1260%) Added to that, the only 3rd job skill that will out damage maxed Energy Buster is Shockwave, which hits six enemies at 700% a piece (a whopping 4200%) But remember that Shockwave is only accessible in Transform mode and that skill has a cooldown time (480 seconds), limiting use of Shockwave

Also, consider the following:
ED at Lvl 11: Damage 315% / 16% of damage converted to HP / 200% Range
ED at Lvl 20: Damage 360% / 20% of damage converted to HP / 200% Range

EB at Lvl 21: Damage 366% / 4 Enemies / 100% Range
EB at Lvl 30: Damage 420% / 4 Enemies / 100% Range

If you leave Energy Buster at Lvl 21, you are losing out on a total of 216% damage (54% per monster) compared to maxing it. Keeping Energy Drain at Lvl 11 only loses you 45% damage.

In the end, its your Story, your Pirate, build it the way YOU want.

The Viper's Prestige
~Under Construction~

Proposed Viper Build

Note: As any 4th jobber knows, there is the build you'd like to go with....and then there is the build you have to go with depending on which mastery books you find first.

Of course, you could save SP and wait til you find certain books, or splurge them on skills you don't necessarily need. Do what you want...

120: +1 Fist(1), +1 Wind Booster(1), +1 Dragon Strike(1)
121: +1 Fist(2), +1 Time Leap(1), +1 Wind Booster(2)
122: +1 Super Transform(1), +1 Demolition(1), +1 Snatch(1)
123: +3 Wind Booster(5)
124: +3 Wind Booster(8)
125: +3 Wind Booster(11)
126: +3 Fist(5)
127: +3 Fist(8)
128: +3 Fist(11)
129: +3 Maple Warrior(3)
130: +3 Maple Warrior(6)
131: +3 Maple Warrior(9)
132: +2 Super Transform(3), +1 Demolition(2)
133: +2 Super Transform(5), +1 Demolition(3)
134: +2 Super Transform(7), +1 Demolition(4)
135: +2 Super Transform(9), +1 Demolition(5)
136: +2 Super Transform(11), +1 Demolition(6)
137: +2 Super Transform(13), +1 Demolition(7)
138: +2 Super Transform(15), +1 Demolition(8)
139: +2 Super Transform(17), +1 Demolition(9)
140: +3 Super Transform(MAX)
141: +3 Demolition(12)
142: +3 Demolition(15)
143: +3 Demolition(18)
144: +2 Demolition(20), +1 Dragon Strike(2)
145: +3 Dragon Strike(5)
146: +3 Dragon Strike(8)
147: +3 Dragon Strike(11)
148: +3 Dragon Strike(14)
149: +3 Dragon Strike(17)
150: +3 Dragon Strike(20)
151: +1 Dragon Strike(21), +2 Fist(13)
152: +3 Fist(16)
153: +3 Fist(19)
154: +3 Fist(22)
155: +3 Fist(25)
156: +3 Fist(28)
157: +2 Fist(MAX), +1 Snatch(2)
158: +3 Snatch(5)
159: +3 Snatch(8)
160: +3 Snatch(11)
161: +3 Snatch(14)
162: +3 Snatch(17)
163: +3 Snatch(20)
164: +1 Snatch(21), +2 Demolition(22)
165: +3 Demolition(25)
166: +3 Demolition(28)
167: +2 Demolition(MAX), +1 Dragon Strike(22)
168: +3 Dragon Strike(25)
169: +3 Dragon Strike(28)
170: +2 Dragon Strike(MAX), +1 Maple Warrior(10)
171: +3 Maple Warrior(13)
172: +3 Maple Warrior(16)
173: +3 Maple Warrior(19)
174: +1 Maple Warrior(MAX), +2 Time Leap(3)
175: +3 Time Leap(6)
176: +3 Time Leap(9)
177: +3 Time Leap(12)
178: +3 Time Leap(15)
179: +3 Time Leap(18)
180: +3 Time Leap(21)
181: +3 Time Leap(24)
182: +3 Time Leap(27)
183: +3 Time Leap(MAX)
184: +3 Energy Orb(3)
185: +3 Energy Orb(6)
186: +3 Energy Orb(9)
187: +3 Energy Orb(12)
188: +3 Energy Orb(15)
189: +3 Energy Orb(18)
190: +3 Energy Orb(21)
191: +3 Energy Orb(24)
192: +3 Energy Orb(27)
193: +3 Energy Orb(MAX)
194: +3 Snatch(24)
195: +3 Snatch(27)
196: +3 Snatch(MAX)
197: +1 Hero's Will, +2 Energy Buster(23) / Energy Drain(13)
198: +3 Energy Buster(26) / Energy Drain(16)
199: +3 Energy Buster(29) / Energy Drain(19)
200: +1 Energy Buster(MAX) / Energy Drain(MAX), +2 Wind Booster(13)

Skill Dist. at Lvl 200: 243 Points Total
  • 20 Super Transform
  • 30 Fist
  • 30 Demolition
  • 30 Dragon Strike
  • 20 Maple Warrior
  • 30 Time Leap
  • 30 Energy Orb
  • 30 Snatch
  • 13 Wind Booster
  • 1 Hero's Will

(Max EB Build)
  • 9 Additional Into Energy Drain

(Max ED Build)
  • 9 Additional Into Energy Buster

Notes on this build
Ok. Well like I stated earlier, what you do and dont put points into will probably be determined by what Mastery books you find / pass. Anyway, I put a few points into each skill so you can enjoy 4th job. Yay Viper. After that, 11 into Wind Booster to get that sexy +2 speed. Fist to 11 to get a nice attack boost. 9 into Maple Warrior for obvious reasons. Anyone who has had MW9 before knows its benefit to your damage range. Next, Super Transform / Demo upgrade. Get Super Transform maxed to get the low cooldown time. Leave Demo at 20, since its plenty of damage but after adding another point, its MP cost nearly doubles. Dragon Strike gets to 21 so it hits 6 enemies. Max Fist after so its out of the way. Get Snatch to 21 (hit 6 enemies), then max Demo for bossing. Next you max Dragon Strike for training and Maple Warrior for its stat boost. Max Time Leap next for bossing and so you can use Super Transform more often. Then max Energy Orb, since at max it'll out damage Buster. Finally, finish up Snatch, Energy Buster / Energy Drain (depending on what you did for 3rd job), and put the rest of your points into Wind Booster.

Note: If you want Super Transform....you'll have to beat this boss first...

Super Kairin
  • Level: 120
  • HP: 100,000,000
  • MP: 20,000
  • Avoid: 14
  • Knockback: 50,000
  • EXP: 6,700,000

Update: ShiKage has informed me you merely have to survive 2 minutes against her to gain the skill.... kind of a let down

Recommended Training Areas
Level 1~10:
  • Typical Maple Island. Quests, snails, etc. Get to Level 9 and about 75% and head to Victoria
  • Get to Olaf, get exp for Maple Island quests. Take Pirate job quest
  • Head to Nautilus Port and find Kairin. talking to her about "Path of the Pirate" should put you to Level 10. If it doesnt, go whack some snails
  • After getting to Level 10, get the job advancement

Level 10~20:
  • HPQ......HPQ.......HPQ
  • Around Level 15~18, head to Pig Beach

Level 20~30:
  • KPQ, easy to get tracks. Get a strong mage party and rip it up
  • Get bored? Cant get in PQ? Try Wild Boars.
  • Maybe ArPQ (Ariant PQ)? Havent tried it myself, but Im told its easy experience

Level 30~50:
  • Monster Carnival PQ. If you have friends with Level 50 CPQ mules, itll be very easy experience.
  • Another CPQ tactic, Coin Farm and agree with the other party to alternate wins
  • Teddys in Ludi are great for this level
  • STDs are always an option in your 4x ~ 5x

Level 50~60:
  • Stick with STDs
  • If you can two hit them, Selkies in Singapore are the best 5x training area in GMS as of right now
  • FoG
  • If you are overkilling STDs, try Pandas in "Territory of Wandering Bear". Nice, flat maps for Screw Punch
  • In late 50s, if you are well funded (pac, zhelm, scg) go try v/hoodoos. If you cant find a map, try going to FoG

Level 60~70:
  • Pandas, unless you are overkilling them
  • FoG
  • V/Hoodoos are always fun...
  • Try Gryphons or Water Goblins if the experience isn't good at the other places
  • If not, go for Captains and Krus (if you are INCREDIBLY funded), lots of close mobs and great spawn

Dexless, Low Dex, and Regular Dex Brawlers; An In-Depth Look

Crap People Already Know
So as I have progressed in Maple, Ive noticed alot of people opting for pure stat characters. For those of you who dont know, pure stat means putting every single AP into your main stat, and keeping your secondary stat as low as possible.

  • Dexless Sins
  • Lukless Mages
  • Strless Bowman

These kinds of characters take advantage of maple weapons, which have no stat requirements. This allows them to pump their main stat to its limits and bring with it major power increases.

  • Amazing Damage
  • Can scroll equips for main stat

  • Lower Def and M.Def
  • Limited Equips
  • Well-Scrolled Weapon can cost hundreds of millions

Then there are those who try and wear their current level weapon and keep their secondary stat as low as possible. They use scrolled equips to keep their stat low and sill use the weapon

  • Low-Dex Sins
  • Low-Luk Mages
  • Low-Str Bowman

  • Can equip current level weapon, for better weapon attack

  • Have to scroll most of their equips for their secondary stat

Finally, there are elite characters. They mix both of the play styles mentioned above. Using scrolled equips, they keep their secondary stat at its minimum and still manage to equip their current level weapon

  • Dexless-Rab Sins
  • Lukless-Evil Wings Mages

  • Extremely High Damage (usually)

  • Have to scroll ALL their equips for their secondary stat

These characters have the highest damage possible. Not only do they have the maximum amount of points into their main stat, they get the advantage of using their current level weapon.

The Point of This Thread

We will be looking at three possible AP builds of Infighters (Dexless, Low-Dex, and Regular Dex) at three seperate levels (50, 100, 150). This will be the following criteria:

Base Equips
  • 15 Str, 15 Dex Zhelm
  • 2 Str, 2 Dex Speigelmann Necklace
  • 10 Dex Earrings
  • 10 Dex Yellow Snowshoe
  • 15 Atk Stormcaster Gloves

Dexless Equips
  • 25 Dex Sauna Robe
  • 3 Atk, 10 Dex Pink Adventurer's Cape

Low-Dew / Regular Dex Equips
  • Current Level overall scrolled with and additonal 25 Str
  • 3 Atk, 10 Str Pink Adventurer's Cape

Non-Equip Criteria:
  • Every character will be using their current level knuckle. The knuckle will be clean and of average stats
  • The Low-Dex character will have the absolute lowest base dex possible, while still being able to equip his current level knuckle. Even if he had a higher base dex in lower levels, we assume he reset it into Str.
  • The Low-Dex and Regular Dex characters will have the same "scrolling luck" as the Dexless character. To represent this, they have the same stat Pink Adenturer's Cape as the Dexless, but scrolled for Str instead. They also have an overall, equal to their level, scrolled for an additional 25 Str (since the Dexless uses a Sauna with 25 additional Dex)
  • The Regular Dex character will always have his base dex equal to his level, despite his dex equips
  • All characters are assumed to have rolled perfect stats. (4 Int and 4 Luk)
  • All damage calculations are comprised entirely on the characters stats and total weapon attack from equips alone.
  • Other effects such as warrior elixirs are not included

In later updates we will investigate the effects of Energy Charge (adds 20 attack), Transform (adds 20 Str) and Super Transform (adds 30 Str)

Infighter Formulas
Max- [(STR * 4.8 + DEX) / 100] * Weapon Attack
Min-(STR * 0.9 * 4.8 * Skill Mastery + DEX) / 100 * Weapon Attack

Level 50
Current Knuckle: 50 Atk Devil Claw

Total Ability Points: 270
  • Str: 242
  • Dex: 20
  • Int: 4
  • Luk: 4

Stats After Equips:
  • Weapon Attack: 68
  • Str: 259
  • Dex: 92
  • Int: 19
  • Luk: 19

Minimum Damage: ((259*0.9*5*0.6+92) / 100) * 68 = 538.084
Maximum Damage: ((259*5*+92) / 100) * 68 = 943.16
Damage Range: 538 ~ 943

Current Overall: +29 Str Green Plaister

Total Ability Points: 270
  • Str: 242
  • Dex: 20
  • Int: 4
  • Luk: 4

Stats After Equips:
  • Weapon Attack: 68
  • Str: 298
  • Dex: 57
  • Int: 19
  • Luk: 19

Minimum Damage: ((298*0.9*5*0.6+57) / 100) * 68 = 585.89
Maximum Damage: ((298*5*+57) / 100) * 68 = 1051.96
Damage Range: 586 ~ 1052

Regular Dex
Current Overall: +29 Str Green Plaister

Total Ability Points: 270
  • Str: 212
  • Dex: 50
  • Int: 4
  • Luk: 4

Stats After Equips:
  • Weapon Attack: 68
  • Str: 268
  • Dex: 87
  • Int: 19
  • Luk: 19

Minimum Damage: ((268*0.9*5*0.6+87) / 100) * 68 = 551.21
Maximum Damage: ((268*5*+87) / 100) * 68 = 970.36
Damage Range: 551 ~ 970

Notes On This Level:
As you can see (and as was expected) low-dex wins at this level. Of course, we all know that the Dexless Infighter doesn't need his Sauna at this level to equip his knuckle, and could use a Str scrolled overall like the low-dex. But for the sake of a constant, equips are the same throughout for Dexless

Level 100
Current Knuckle: 74 Atk King Sent

Total Ability Points: 520
  • Str: 492
  • Dex: 20
  • Int: 4
  • Luk: 4

Stats After Equips:
  • Weapon Attack: 92
  • Str: 509
  • Dex: 92
  • Int: 19
  • Luk: 19

Minimum Damage: ((509*0.9*5*0.6+92) / 100) * 92 = 1348.99
Maximum Damage: ((509*5*+92) / 100) * 92 = 2426.04
Damage Range: 1349 ~ 2426

Current Overall: +3 Dex, +32 Str Red Duke

Total Ability Points: 520
  • Str: 452
  • Dex: 60
  • Int: 4
  • Luk: 4

Stats After Equips:
  • Weapon Attack: 68
  • Str: 511
  • Dex: 100
  • Int: 19
  • Luk: 19

Minimum Damage: ((511*0.9*5*0.6+100) / 100) * 92 = 1361.32
Maximum Damage: ((511*5*+100) / 100) * 92 = 2442.6
Damage Range: 1361 ~ 2443

Regular Dex
Current Overall: +3 Dex, +32 Str Green Plaister

Total Ability Points: 520
  • Str: 412
  • Dex: 100
  • Int: 4
  • Luk: 4

Stats After Equips:
  • Weapon Attack: 92
  • Str: 471
  • Dex: 140
  • Int: 19
  • Luk: 19

Minimum Damage: ((471*0.9*5*0.6+140) / 100) * 92 = 1298.76
Maximum Damage: ((471*5*+140) / 100) * 92 = 2295.4
Damage Range: 1299 ~ 2295

Notes On This Level:
Dexless starts to catch up to Low-Dex at this level, since the Low-Dex had to add to his base Dex. And the Regular Dex just keeps falling behind...

Level 150
Current Knuckle: 78 Atk Dragon Claw
Upgraded Necklace: 22 Str, 22 Dex Horntail Necklace

Total Ability Points: 770
  • Str: 742
  • Dex: 20
  • Int: 4
  • Luk: 4

Stats After Equips:
  • Weapon Attack: 96
  • Str: 779
  • Dex: 112
  • Int: 41
  • Luk: 41

Minimum Damage: ((779*0.9*5*0.6+112) / 100) * 96 = 2126.69
Maximum Damage: ((509*5*+112) / 100) * 96 = 3846.72
Damage Range: 2127 ~ 3847

Current Overall: +6 Dex, +32 Str Canopus Suit

Total Ability Points: 770
  • Str: 717
  • Dex: 45
  • Int: 4
  • Luk: 4

Stats After Equips:
  • Weapon Attack: 96
  • Str: 796
  • Dex: 110 (108 without Maple Warrior, explained later)
  • Int: 41
  • Luk: 41

Minimum Damage: ((796*0.9*5*0.6+110) / 100) * 96 = 2168.83
Maximum Damage: ((796*5*+110) / 100) * 96 = 3926.4
Damage Range: 2169 ~ 3926

Regular Dex
Current Overall: +3 Dex, +32 Str Green Plaister

Total Ability Points: 770
  • Str: 652
  • Dex: 110
  • Int: 4
  • Luk: 4

Stats After Equips:
  • Weapon Attack: 92
  • Str: 731
  • Dex: 173
  • Int: 41
  • Luk: 41

Minimum Damage: ((731*0.9*5*0.6+173) / 100) * 96 = 2060
Maximum Damage: ((731*5*+173) / 100) * 96 = 3674.88
Damage Range: 2060 ~ 3675

Notes On This Level:
~Under Construction~
Most Low-Stat characters make sure that their secondary stat is so low, that even after all their equips they need Maple Warrior to equip their weapon. Its reflected in these statistics

Maple Warrior
As all 4th job characters know, Maple Warrior can have great effects on damage. The following data assumes each character has level 10 Maple Warrior:


Stats After Maple Warrior:
  • Weapon Attack: 96
  • Str: 816
  • Dex: 113
  • Int: 41
  • Luk: 41

Minimum Damage: ((816*0.9*5*0.6+113) / 100) * 96 = 2223.55
Maximum Damage: ((816*5*+113) / 100) * 96 = 3936.96
Damage Range: 2224 ~ 3937


Stats After Maple Warrior:
  • Weapon Attack: 96
  • Str: 831
  • Dex: 110
  • Int: 41
  • Luk: 41

Minimum Damage: ((831*0.9*5*0.6+110) / 100) * 96 = 2259.55
Maximum Damage: ((831*5*+110) / 100) * 96 = 4094.4
Damage Range: 2260 ~ 4095

Regular Dex
Current Overall: +3 Dex, +32 Str Green Plaister

Stats After Maple Warrior:
  • Weapon Attack: 92
  • Str: 763
  • Dex: 179
  • Int: 41
  • Luk: 41

Minimum Damage: ((763*0.9*5*0.6+179) / 100) * 96 = 2149.54
Maximum Damage: ((763*5*+179) / 100) * 96 = 3834.24
Damage Range: 2150 ~ 3834

Notes On This Level:
So I guess with these equips, Low-Dex will win in the end, due to the scrolled overall for Strength. Remember that these scrolls are still rare, and a level 100 and 110 will probably be hard to get ahold of. Also remember, the Dexless only has to upgrade it's knuckle each level. The Regular and Low-Dex need to rescroll their new overalls for a least 25 Strength to keep their advantage.

And In A Perfect World...
Level 150

  • 15 Str, 25 Dex Zhelm
  • 22 Str, 22 Dex Horntail Necklace
  • 15 Dex Earrings
  • 3 Atk, 10 Dex Pink Adventurer's Cape
  • +3 Dex, +32 Str Green Plaister
  • 15 Dex Yellow Snowshoe
  • 15 Atk Stormcaster Gloves

Total Ability Points: 770
  • Str: 742
  • Dex: 20
  • Int: 4
  • Luk: 4

Stats After Equips:
  • Weapon Attack: 96
  • Str: 811
  • Dex: 110
  • Int: 41
  • Luk: 41

Stats After Maple Warrior and Equips:
  • Weapon Attack: 96
  • Str: 878
  • Dex: 111
  • Int: 41
  • Luk: 41

Minimum Damage: ((878*0.9*5*0.6+111) / 100) * 96 = 2286.336
Maximum Damage: ((878*5*+111) / 100) * 96 = 4320.96
Damage Range: 2286 ~ 4321


Low-Dex, due to new Overall Str scrolls, WILL out power Dexless. But as I said, it'll be much more expensive to maintain than a Dexless. Unless that Dexless is AMAZINGLY funded and does the build "In a Perfect World"

Legal Stuff
Use whatever you want. Just quote me, cite this page, and give credits

Fiel - For Pirate skills info (and this forum)
Loose - Helped with training areas and skill build suggestions
IsaacGS - Helped with training areas and skill build suggestions
JoeTang - Great insight and help with 2nd job, as well as training areas
ShiKage - For testing out my builds in jMS and letting me know its more or less pretty accurate

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