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MapleSEA General Discussion: Dictionary


This is not a proper Dictionary.
This is an AsiaSoft Forums MapleStory General Discussions Dictionary
Made for Gamers by Gamers
(SG/MY & Where applicable).

Believing the words in this dictionary can be used in your exams is like believing that, that pair of secondary school students at your void deck are locked in embrace because the weather is freezing.

Any Examples used in this Dictionary which are similar to actual people, events or pets are purely coincidental.

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+1: An addition of a post count
Definition: Usually used by PCW to add their Post Counts.
Example Of usuage: "+1!"

AFK Away From Keyboard
Definition: Often used in online gaming when someone is not moving they are assumed to be afk.
Example Of usage: "He's afk, no point stalking him"

Ah Ma: Old Woman
Definition: Refers to the old woman boss in Showa Town.
Example Of usage: "Lets kill the ahma boss together!"

BB: bye-bye
Definition: Goodbye
Example Of usage: "I got to go, bb."

Beo: Peek
Definition: Putting your mouse cursor on the thread without clicking it to peek
Example Of usage: "Don't just beo, come in"

BHB: A dialect
Definition: Thick skin
Example Of usage: A: "I'm very handsome." B: "You BHB!"

BRB: Be Right Back
Definition: The user goes off for a short time
Example Of usage: "BRB, going to toilet"

BTW: By The Way
Definition: -
Example Of usage: "BTW, what time are you going off?"

BUMP: Bring Up My Post
Definition: To bring the thread up so that others may see
Example Of usage: A thread have been dead for 2 months. "BUMP!"

Catch No Balls: I don't understand!
Definition: I don't get it!
Example Of usage: Someone blabber some nonsense. "I catch no balls!"

CC: Change Channel
Defination: Used in-game, to change channel
Example Of usage: "Don't KS me, CC plz."

CSB: Cool Story Bro
Definition: -
Example Of usage: A: "Tells a story" B: CSB!

CSS: Cool Story Sis
*See CSB

CMI: Can't Make It
Definition: Cannot be performed
Example Of usage: A: "Please fix the lag!" B: "CMI la!"

CS: Cash Shop
Definition: A place for you to you real money to buy in game items for all games under AsiaSoft
Example Of usage: "Don't spend all your hard earn money in the CS"

Desu: A cute word.
Definition: Japanese for 'it is'
Example Of usage: I went to the store and bought some milk, desu.

Epic Phail: Total Failure
Definition: The most extreme failure there is. Commonly used on the internet if someone does something extremely idiotic.
Example Of usuage: "XX is epic phail for creating WOB threads everywhere!"

F2: MapleStory's Facial Expression
Example Of usage: "This is good! F2"

F3: MapleStory's Facial Expression
Example Of usage: "Maple lags again! F3"

F5: MapleStory's Facial Expression
Example Of usage: "Stop flooding the forums with the same topics! F5"

Facepalm: Using your palm to hit your face due to a stupid statement.
Definition: A spontaneous reaction to an amazingly stupid statement, where the face of the listener meets with his palm in a smacking manner.
Example of usage: A: "I'm a superman!" B: "/facepalm"

FFA: Free For All
Definition: A phrase used in MMORPGs so anyone can kill or loot anything in the map.
Example Of usage: This Map is FFA!

FTW: For The Win
Definition: An enthusiastic emphasis to the end of a comment, message, or post.
Example Of usage: "Nexon FTW!"

FYI: For Your Information
Definition: To alert you for some information
Example Of usage: "FYI, there's 2X exp at 4pm."

GA: GetAmped
Definition: -
Example Of usage: GA is an AsiaSoft Game

GD: General Discussion
Definition: A sub-forum for maplers to post anything about maple
Example Of usage: "GD is filled with topics on Meso Glitch! Boring..."

GG: Good Game
Definition: Used by the defeated: A way of resignedly expressing one's own defeat or disgust with a situation. Used by the winner: A remark uttered after the end of a round, game, or other measured interval to indicate that a match was fair and enjoyable.
Example Of usage: "Checkmate! GG!"

GTG / G2G; Got to go
Definition: The user will be offline soon
Example Of usage: "Its dinner time! I GTG/G2G!"

Hax: When someone has an unfair advantage over you.
Definition: Something deemed unfair or unexpectedly unfavorable. Could be used to accuse someone of using cheating/hacking/some sort of trickery to accomplish something, usually jokingly.
Example Of usage: "I am tempted to hax into this game!"

Headdesk: Try doing that, maybe you'll know. =)
Definition: Action of knocking your head to the desk. Expresses frustration and disappointment.
Wxample Of usage: A: " I finally got to level 10 in Maple! I did that within a year!!!" B: "*Headdesk*"

IBTL: In Before The Lock
Definition: A +1 In disguise. Usually used in WOB threads
Example Of usage: A WOB thread is spotted. "A WOB Thread! IBTL!"

IDK: I Don't Know
Definition: Devoid of knowledge of certain stuff
Example Of usage: A: "What's This?" B: "IDK!"

IGN: In-Game Nick
Definition: Nickname in Your game
Example Of usage: "What's your Maple IGN?"

IMBA: Word used in most online games
Definition: Something that is too good and it makes the game unfair.
Example Of usage: "Look at that imba attack! hitting a mob 99,999!"

IMO: In My Opinion
Definition: In your Point Of View...
Example Of usage: "IMO, this game is good!"

*IMAO and IMHO are "In My Arrogant Opinion" and "In my humble opinion" respectively.

IMPT: Important
Definition: -
Example Of usage: IMPT! Please take note!

JK: Just Kidding
Definition: Saying in a jokingly manner
Example Of usage: "Maple is lousy! Haha!... jkjk..."

KS: Kill Steal
Defination: Used in-game when some-one kills the mob that you want to kill
Example Of usage: "Please don't KS, CC plz."

LMAO: Laughing My Ass Off
Definition: Used to show you find something really funny and are laughing at it alot.
Example Of usage: *Funny Picture* "LMAO!"

LOL(X): Laugh Out Loud
Definition: Used to show you find something really funny and are laughing at it loud.
Example Of usage: *Funny Picture* "LOL!"

lolwut: WHAT?!
Definition: "What?", usually said to mean comedic indifference to whatever was said. Also, if you don't care what was being said. Useful if you are in a place you shouldn't be.
Example Of usage: A: "Maple is nice to play!" B: "lolwut!"

Mapletard: Maple Addict
Definition: Someone who cannot live without MapleStory
Example Of usage: "Look! There's a level 200 in a world launched yesterday! Mapletard spotted!"
*Thread about the meaning of Mapletard

Mod: Moderator
Definition: Someone who police this forum
Example Of usage: Vitamin C The mod gave me 1 WP yesterday for spamming =(

MoneySoft: Used to Defame AsiaSoft for being money-faced
Definition: AsiaSoft caring about money instead of the players.
Example Of usage: "MoneySoft noob lar! Always so money-faced and never fix the lag!"

MTS : Maple Trading System
Definition: -
Example Of usage: -

Noob: Word used as a sign of disrespect.
Definition: People who know little and have no will to learn any more/ act smart.
Example Of usage: "Don't be a level 10 noob and KS a Level 70 Hermit."

NPNT: No Picture No Talk
Definition: No picture, don't anyhow say something you claim
Example Of usage: "NPNT Thread spotted"
* There are other similar terms like GPGT (Got Picture Got Talk), GVGT (Got Video Got Talk), GLGT (Got Link Got Talk)

OMG: Oh My God!
Definition: Used in exclaimation when something unbelievable happens
Example Of usage: "OMG! Someone had gain 2bill from the meso glitch!"

ORLY?: Oh Really?
Definition: An internet phrase, used a quick substitue as " Oh Really"
Example Of usuage: Someone tells a blatant lie. "ORLY?"

PCW: Post Count Warrior
Definition: A person who post alot of meaningless or irrevelant thread/post with the aim of increasing his/her post count.
Example Of usage: XX have 100 post count per day! "PCW spotted!"

PS: Pai Seh
Definition: Feeling bad/guilty at something
Example Of usage: PS, PS, I didn't mean to hit you.

PWN: An act of dominating an opponent.
Definition: Perfect ownage. Flawless victory.
Example Of usage: "XX pwns other online games!"
*Same as Owned and Pawn

QFT: Quoted For Truth
Definition: Used on internet forums when quoting someone with similar views as yours.
Example Of usage: "QFT!"

ROFL: Rolling On Floor Laughing
Definition: Something funny was posted that made reader laugh
Example Of usage: *Funny Picture* "ROFL!"

Spoonfeed: Giving Answers to every single question asked
Definition: -
Example Of usage: Stop spoonfeeding them, it won't help and they will still continue to ask.

SS: ScreenShot
Definition: A picture taken in-game
Example Of usage: " Plz provide more information by an SS."

TCW: Thread Count Warrior
Definition: Someone who created a lot of threads to have higher thread count
Example Of usage: "TCW spotted, he made 100 threads in just 1 day!"

Troll: A stupid person
Definition: One who purposely and deliberately starts an argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by his or her peers.
Example Of usage: "Don't be a troll by posting these in the forums."

*A ‘Forum Troll’ is a person who enters an established online community and intentionally attempts to cause disruption, often by posting messages that are inflammatory, insulting, incorrect, inaccurate, or off-topic, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others.

TS: Thread-Starter
Definition: A person that starts a topic
Example Of usage: "I'm the TS of this Dictionary!"

TSK: A sound made by your tongue when you're looking down on somebody
Defination: -
Example Of usage: "TSK, those maplers snatching maps again."

TTYL: Talk To You Later
Defination: -
Example Of usage: "TTYL, I'm Busy"

Uplorry: banned
Definition: Permanently Suspended
Example Of usuage: XX uplorry already! He posted porn in every single post!

WOB: Waste Of Bandwidth
Definition: Useless thread
Example of usage: “This is a WOB thread. Mods please close.“

WOLS: Same as Slow
Definition: Slow.
Example Of usage: "TS is WOLS! he posted a news that is 2 months old!"

WOT: Wall Of Text
Definition: A piece of writing that does not use proper grammar and generally looks like a giant essay with 20 to 400 sentences (without) using paragraphs or (without) any bit of spacing (at all).
Example Of usuage:

--> this is a WOT without spaces.
--> this is a WOT with spaces

Originally Posted by !downth.love- View Post
another WOT
WP: Warning Point
Definition: Used in the forums, a form of warning for forumites who violated forum rules
Example Of usage: "He got WP for posting porn! HaHa!"

WTH: What the hell
Definition: -
Example Of usage: "WTH is that?"

For Trade Sections

A>: Auction
Definition: To bid and get the item you want
Example Of usage: "A> Maple Crossbow"

A/W: Auto Win
Example Of usage:

B>: Buying
Definition: Purchase of (an) item(s)
Example Of usage: "B> Scrolls"

Cass: Cassiopeia
Definition: The 3rd world in MapleSEA
Example Of usage: "Selling Cass mesos!"

C/O: Current Offer
Definition: -
Example Of usage: -

Delp: Delphinus
Definition: The 4th world in MapleSEA
Example Of usage: "Selling Delp mesos!"

L/O: Leave Offer
Definition: -
Example Of usage: -

Nego: Negotiate
Definition: To request for lower of price, To allow both parties to agree with something
Example Of usage: "The weapon you sell is to expensive, can nego?"

P/C: Price Check
Definition: To check the item's price
Example Of usage:

S>: Selling
Definition: To Sell (an) item(s)
Example Of usage: "S>Scrolls"

S/B: Starting Bid
Example Of usage:

T>: Trading
Definition: To trade (an) item(s)
Example Of usage: "T>Cass mesos for Delp mesos"


Weird Forum Languages

Chiu: You
Example Of usage: "Chiu don't like that."

Crone: Crone
Example of usage: "Crone spotted! leepork to mods!"

Huan: Want or One
Example Of usage: "I huan to eat this!" or "Plus Huan!"

Leepork: Report
Example Of usage: "I leepork the spammer already!"

Liek: Like
Example Of usage: "I heard you liek Mudkip!"

Moi: Me/I/My
Example Of usage: "This is moi things, don't steal"

NMCC: No Maple Chatting Corner
Example Of usage: "NMCC is filled with PCWs... sigh..."

Prawn: Porn
Example Of usage: "I dare you post prawn."

Pruss: Plus
Example Of usage: "Pruss One!"

Sarpork: Support
Example Of usage: " I sarpork you!"

If any word start with "ex", some may add a "S" or "Sm" in front, remove it to reveal the word.
If you can't tell the word, read it aloud, you will be able to tell what the writer is saying.

In-Game Language, Jobs

BM: Bow Master
BS: Bishop
ChDit: Chief Bandit
Crus: Crusader
Dit: Bandit
DK: Dragon Knight
DrK: Dark Knight
F/P: Fire Poison (Mage)
GM: Game Masters
GS: GunSlinger
IF: Infighter
I/L: Ice Lighting (Mage)
Mage: Magician
Mit: hermit
NL: Night Lord
Priz: Priest
Sin: Assassin
XB: Cross-Bow Man
XBM: Cross-Bow Master

In-Game Language, Skills

If You're In-Doubt, Please refer to HiddenStreet or the respective job guides to understand the abbreviation

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