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Unlimited patch spells the doom OF MSEA?


So apparently, unlimited was the worst thing to happen to maplestory. Looking past all the flashy new classes and features, it actually ruins the game for most of the high spending players of the game and thus Nexon's player base and income is also diminishing rapidly. Did a quick search yesterday and apparently unlimited killed KMS, when the patch hit, around 70%+ of the population (majority of those were end game bossing players) left and they had do things like merge 9 worlds into a single world due to the mass exodus.

Here are some of the reasons why.

1. Although hyper skills were given, and stronger more OP classes, the raise in damage was not met with a raise in bossing difficulty. Basically you power rise by ~ 50%, whereas bosses like Cygnus difficulty raised by 500% (4x more hp, 3x less people you can bring in, 1/2 the time given). I'm seeing this happen to many of my BL now. Many are considering quitting since after investing 2 or 3k in this game and getting full legendary equips, they are unable to even farm Cygnus instructors for some basic income. Partying up works to very little success since you need insane DPS now to even let Cygnus summon her 2nd set of instructors for armor farm. 

2. Additonal options. Whilst it may be a godsend to unfunded players as now they can get good stats from mass farming equips, it spells doom for all your current equips. Basically, you can flame your equips, but since you can't change it once you do, your current equip is pretty much screwed if it add crap stats like +2000 hp. All your current equips are thus current worth as much as a rock, since for eg, Cygnus now drops +16 ma glove and 144wa DBG CLEAN, so if you are a perfectionist, the sad thing is all the money you invested in your godlike equips is gone, as they are no longer godlike. 

3. Addtional pot. Whilst everyone thinks oo I'm gonna get 2x the pot on my equips I'm so OP!!! The fact is that you are REQUIRED to spend these extra $400 or so on each equip to even have a chance to down bosses is too much to handle for most top bossing players. What is important to remember is that all bosses are NOW BALANCED AROUND YOU BEING MUCH STRONGER DUE TO ADDTIONAL OPTIONS AND POTS.

Apparently GMS community banded together to reject the unlimited patch as it killed KMS and they didn't want it to kill GMS too. And GMS has a tendency to actually listen to players and not copy paste (they quote how KMS thought lumin system was too hard and thus they implemented a GMS lumin version. I'm not sure about lumin and their version but it seems like GMS was happy to get theirs). Thus thats the reason unlimited has not arrived yet at GMS.

Any thoughts? Basically what AS is

In the process SKIP ALL THE CRAZY DPS CLASSES that can actually help to meet with the increased difficulty (I know its not skipped but delayed released by a few months is bad enough).
Skip all the free gifts event that came inbetween.

All in all, I can't believe that I was fooled by AS move. Essentially AS is currently trying to skip over to bring ONLY the difficulty increase to encourage more spending WHIST trying to give you the LEAST options to get stronger. Its a very very smart move on their part and I have to say, well played. This is just to inform all you guys of their true motive of bringing over unlimited so quickly.

Lastly, I'm very worried that this too may spell the doom for MSEA. Since I know many big spenders that are too fed up and tired with trying to keep to to Maple's power creep, having to invest thousands upon thousands more to kill the same boss. And this is VERY dangerous as people who go bossing are big spenders which feed AS the money it needs to survive, and with them leaving... Maple may very well close shop 

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