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How to PERFECT 15% SPELL TRACE a Fafnir weapon during FEVER TIME!

I tried to spell trace this Fafnir bow but only passed 1 during Fever time. My friends all passed at least 2 to 4 spell traces 15% so I asked them how to do it. Here is the answer in this guide. 

Previously, I done it wrongly therefore I wasted tons of mesos. After hearing from some of the pros on spell tracing their Fafnir weapon, I wanted to share it, and do it correctly you will get a perfect spell traced Fafnir weapon.

Now, in this short guide you will learn how to correctly spell trace your Fafnir weapon during Fever time as you know sometimes MapleSEA will held a Fever time period like this. image

• Fever Time Increases the success rates of Spell Traces as follows: 
» 15% > 25% 
» 30% > 45% 
» 70% > 95%

So basically your rate of passing a scroll increases during Fever time. Now open your profession skill tab by going to keyboard shortcut and assign to one of the keyboards key if you have not done yet.

Open up the profession skills tab, you will see the diligence skill level.

This diligence skills level is important as well, as it add on the rate to the passing rate of your scroll.

So for example if you are scrolling a 15% scroll using spell traces. 

15% + 10% (fever time) + 10% from lvl 100 diligence + 10% lucky day scroll = 45% passing rate!

That's means you got 45% of passing a 15% scroll instead! 

To up diligence to level 100, you can craft those pot like resistance/exp and etc, you will gain 20-25 diligence for each item crafted. You can craft anything like accessory items (earrings, ring, anything)

For each level you need a lot of diligence! The key here is to level up your mastery level to meister level, you will gain 2k bonus diligence points! From there, you stop crafting and it will drop back to craftman level (level 10) and you level up again and repeat (gotten this tip from Kok Hui Or).

However in a day you only can gain 500 diligence points. So you need months to get to level 100 diligence. If you got a friend with level 100 diligence ask them to help you out.

Get all the CSS 10% (Clean Slate scroll) and each clean slate scroll you will get 10% passing rate. Not 20% passing rate as CSS is a special scroll not affected by the level of diligence you have.

So average about 10-20, CSS you will get back 1 or 2 slots. Once you get back the slots, you got 45% of passing each scroll. Seems easy huh? 

So, there are a lot of people asking whether how many CSS they need to get 10 slots fully 15% spell traced. There is no answer. But most of them used about 150-250 CSS in total. 

Now 100 CSS = $40. So in order to get a fully spell traced 15% passed Fafnir weapon. You just need $120! That's all you need and of course lots of lucky day scrolls! That's all you need to know about spell tracing a Fafnir weapon. 

It seems good for all of us to spell trace our weapons during Fever time period as it only costs about $100-$200 to do it (10 slots) instead of $500 to buy black scrolls/Amazing scrolls.

To conclude, reversing slots might be a bit harder due to the rate of 10%, but you got 45% rate of passing the scroll every time you reverse a slot, making it very easy to reach 10 slots passed weapon. 

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