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Updated on 20-Oct-24

MapleStory Amoria Challenge Party Quest | Amoria Party Quest Guide | Amoria PQ Guide | Amoria Party Quest | Amoria PQ Guide

Table of content
  1. Where is Amoria map in maplestory? 
  2. Getting to Amoria
  3. Amorian PQ Recommendations

Alternative Guides
Amorian PQ comprises of 6 stages and a bonus stage.

  1. Stage 1
  2. Stage 2
  3. Stage 3
  4. Stage 4
  5. Stage 5
  6. Stage 6
  • Bonus Stage
  • Rewards
Where is Amoria?
Amoria is a wedding town, that looks very different depending on what version of the game you are playing.
About Amoria Party Quest
Amoria Party Quest is created for married couples daring enough to take on Geist Balrog lying deep within the party Quest. You Need to be at least Level 40 and above, and married, to be able to participate in the party quest. Amorian Party Quest can only be done every 6 hours. Be WARNED: to proceed to the boss stage, your party must consist of 6 members, meaning, if one member of the party dies, or disconnects, your party will be unable to continue to the Boss stage. Meaning, you will have to wait another 6 hours before re-particpating.

Getting to Amoria PQ

Amoria is primarily accessible via Thomas Swift of Henesys(MapleGlobal)
Hera from almost every town.(MapleSEA). One of the town is ''Perion''.

However, if a player has a wedding invitation, they can head directly to Amoria by changing to the channel that the wedding is about to start on, and double-clicking the invitation in their inventory.

(At this time, however, although you can get there via invitation from any part of the MapleStory world, Thomas Swift or Hera will always return you to Henesys.)

Are you ready?

Once you reached Amoria.

Go in this portal at the middle of the map.


Amorian Challenge Party Quest

Geist Balrog

  • You need to be Level 40 and above, and are married (bringing your spouse is optional)
  • Form a party of 6 people.
  • Must have both males and females, although equal amount of both genders is not required.
  • Highly recommended that you have very high level party members to defeat 3 phases of Geist Balrog.

Getting Ready for the Party Quest

Head to Amoria, and hunt for 10 Lip Lock Keys, dropped by Indigo Eyes and Crystal Boars, which are located in Purplewood Forest 1 and Purplewood Forest 2. Once you have 10 Lip Lock Keys, take them to Amos in the Shalom Temple. Amos will give you one Entrance Ticket per ten keys, but you may only trade them in once every six hours. Once you have your ticket, form a party of 6 people, all of whom must be level 40 and above, and married (bringing your spouse is optional). The party must have both males and females. It is recommended that you have very high leveled party members to defeat the 3 phases of Geist Balrog which is seen in the party quest as you progress.
9400515.png Indigo Eye
9400516.png Crystal Boar
04031593.png Lip Lock Key

Hunt for 10 Lip Lock Key from either Indigo Eye or Crystal Boar, then trade them with NPC Amos to gain an Entrance Ticket (this can be repeated every 6 hours).

Participating in The Amoria Party Quest

After obtaining an Entrance Ticket and forming a party of 6, talk to Amos the Strong to enter the party quest. Once your party has entered the party quest, it's time for you and your members to become one and defeat all 6 stages.
Quest283.gif Entrance Ticket

The entrance with invisible portals.

Stage 1: Magik Mirror

After being spawned in the map, 3 portals will appear in front of you. Only one portal is correct, find that portal and it will lead you to the bottom area of the map (the correct portal is periodically changed, and chosen at random). Once at the bottom of the map, females head towards the left, and males towards the right. Proceed through the portal again (hidden in front of the rocks and sign posts), in this area, both male and female sides will see Crystal Boars, Indigo Eyes, and Magic Fierrys. Kill all enemies on both sides. Once all monsters are killed, your leader must talk to The Glimmer Man to summon Magik Fierry A or Magik Fierry B. Kill Magik Fierry A and obtain the Wing Hammer (be warned, the fierrys come from one side of the map to the other). Place the hammer on the mirror located in the middle of the map. The mirror will break into pieces, the party's leader must pick up the piece and then click The Glimmer Man to proceed to the next stage of the Amorian Challenge.
9400535.png Magik Fierry A
9400535.png Magik Fierry B
Quest287.gif Wing Hammer
Quest286.gif Magik Mirror Shard

The leader of the party should talk to Amos, then 3 portals would appear. The correct portal is randomized each time, so pick one until you get transported to the middle area of the map.

Magik Mirror
Talk to Glimmer Man first- and there will be signs leading males to one portal and females to another. Defeat monsters from both sides, then talk to Glimmer Man again. Magik Fiarry A PQ will then spawn, so kill it and obtain Wing Hammer.

Head to the portal next to Glimmer Man and drop the Wing Hammer on the Magik Mirror. It should shatter, then grab the Magik Mirror Shard and finally give it to the Glimmer Man. Talk to Amos to move on to the next stage.

Here is the steps tutorial for stage 1



Girl’s | Guy’s
Side | Side

O = portal

Step 1
All of you appear at the top of the map. The leader clicks on Amos and three
portals will appear. Only one of them will bring you down to the next step.

Step 2
Once you find the right portal the girls go to the left portal, and the guys
go to the right portal. The reason is these portals bring you to a section of
the map with monsters, but the portals only admit certain genders.

Step 3
Kill all the monsters on your side (they don’t give any experience though).
Tell the leader once you have killed all the monsters.

Step 4
The leader clicks on the alien type NPC and a “Magik Faerie” will appear.
Kill the Faerie and pick up the Hammer it drops. The Faerie is dead easy to
kill but it flies around, so sometimes there is a Faerie chase.

Step 5

Press up in the middle portal to get to the mirror. Drop the hammer on the
mirror. The mirror will break and the leader needs to pick up the shard of
mirror from the broken mirror.

Step 6
The leader then clicks on the alien NPC again, and the stage clears.

Step 7
Everyone should go to the mirror and then jump, you will reappear by Amos.
Everyone clicks on Amos to get to Stage 2.

Stage 2: Heart Strings

This stage is just like the sealed room in the Orbis Party Quest. The difference is, instead of
hanging on ropes, you press up on a portal to get to a little platform, and then you jump and press up, 
because you will be teleported to a rope for you to hang on. 
This is a puzzle stage that is completed by doing a logical process of elimination.
The Moon Rope, in the center. The ropes that must be hung on are far into the sky, suspended from a Star, Moon, and

 1. There are 3 ropes suspended in the sky, and you can "go" to each rope by jumping at the corresponding portals below and holding the Up arrow key. 

 2. 5 other party members have to cooperate with the leader as he gives his commands in numbers, such as "221", which means 2 people on the left rope, 2 people on the middle rope, and 1 person on the right rope.
After the other 5 party members have climbed onto the appropriate ropes, the leader should talk to Amos to get further clues - whether it is "1 same", "all same" or "all different". 
Getting the "different" clue means that all ropes have an incorrect number of people, getting the "all same" clue would mean that one of the ropes have the correct number of people, while getting the "1 same" clue means that you have the right amount of people on the ropes, but they are not the correct ropes - for example, if 500 gives you the "1 same" clue, the answer would be either 050 or 005
3. The best place to start from is 500 - which puts 5 people on the left string - and branch out from there. The following chart has also been constructed for easier playthrough - it lists one of the few possibilities the stage can be done.

    4. If you cannot complete the stage within 7 tries, a series of monsters will be released.
    5. After completing this stage, go through the portal to the next stage.

    Here is the steps guide for stage 2

    This stage is just like the sealed room in the Orbis Party Quest.
    The difference is, instead of hanging on ropes, you press up on a portal to 
    get to a little platform, and then you jump and press up, because you will be 
    teleported to a rope for you to hang on.
    Other then that, this stage is exactly the same.
    If you don’t know what the sealed room stage is, go read the orbis party quest 
    guide on this website.
    Here is the map for what order you should follow to clear the stage.
    I copied and pasted it from tinmap’s guide. Thanks tinmap!
                Same---------- ----------Different
                  |                          |
                 410                        410
                  |                          |
             Same- -Different           Same- -Different
              |        |                  |        |
             320      302                311      320
              |        |                  |        |
    Different- -Same  Same              Same  Same- -Different
       |      |        |                  |        |       |
      401    230      203                212      221     230 
              |        |                  |        |       | - Different
             Same     Same              Same     Same    Same     | 
              |        |                  |        |       |      140
             140      104                113      122     131      |
              |        |                  |        |       |      Same
             Same     Same               Same     Same    Same     |
              |        |                  |        |       |      041
             050      005                014      023     032
    If you don’t get the combination right in seven tries, a bunch of no 
    experience monsters spawn and get in the way. Apparently the combination 
    doesn’t reset though, which is strange.
    Here is another way to solve this stage, this one uses logic plain and 
    simple and is fairly easy to remember, since you can work it out in your 
    head as you go along.
        500             500         500         500
         |               |           |           |
        Diff            Diff        Same        Same
         |               |           |           |
        050             050         050         050
         |               |           |           |
        Diff            Same        Same        Diff
         |               |           |           |
        005             005         410         005
         |               |           |           |
        Diff            Same        Same        Same
         |               |           |           | 
        311             014         320         104
         | ----Diff      |           |           |
       Same     |       Same        Same        Same
         |     122       |           |           |
        221             023         230         203
         | ----Diff      |           |           |
        Same    |       Same        Same        Same
         |     212       |           |           |     
        131             032         140         302
         |               |                       | 
        Diff            Same                    Same
         |               |                       | 
        113             041                     401
        Diff            Diff        Same        Same
        Diff            Same        Same        Diff
        Diff            Same        ----        Same
       No zeroes        0xx         xx0         x0x
    So in other words you start out with 500, 050 and then you either have 
    determined where the 0 goes, or in the next test, 005, you know if there 
    aren’t any zeroes. That’s what the words at the bottom of the chart mean.
    Once you have successfully jumped from rope to rope and cleared the stage, 
    you go to stage 3.

    Stage 3: Twisted Switcher

    Again,  this stage requires you to go through a process of elimination until you get the correct combination.
    1. There are 9 platforms in total - 4 on top and 5 below.
    2. If you get a wrong combination, a number of slimes will be summoned, which indicate how many players are on the correct platforms.
    3. There are no quickest way to complete this stage except through persistence and doing the process of elimination systematically.  
    4. Here's a tip:
      • If a character moves to another platform and the number of slimes increases, then that platform that they moved to is correct. 
      • If the number of slimes remains the same, then that platform that they moved to is correct, or they were on an incorrect platform.
      • If the number of slimes decreases, then the previous platform that the character was standing on is correct.
      The minimum amount of slimes that can appear is 1, and the maximum is 4.

    5. Also, the best place to start off is to determine which among the bottom boxes are the correct ones, before proceeding to to the top.
    6. When you have found the correct combination, go to the portal to move on to the next stage.

    In this stage there are 9 different labeled platforms that five people have to 
    stand on in the right order. Here is a map.
      A   2   B   3
    C   6   D   9   5
    So far this sounds like a Ludi PQ stage, but fear not you don’t have to go 
    through every stinking combination to get the right one.
    Once the leader clicks on Amos, a number of different types of no experience 
    monsters spawn. The number of slimes that spawn are the number of people that 
    are standing on the right platforms. Also you only have seven guesses before a 
    whole bunch of monsters spawn and the combination resets.
    So considering that if you use your brains you can logically work out which 
    platforms are right. But all strategies start with the same step.
    Have all five people stand on the bottom five platforms.
    C, 6, D, 9, 5
    The leader clicks and some number of slime spawn. The number of those slimes 
    is the number of correct platforms that are on the bottom. Usually the person 
    in the middle calls out the number of slime, and the leader confirms it. So DO 
    NOT GO KILLING THE SLIME RIGHT AWAY! At least wait for the leader to start 
    whacking the monsters.
    Next have the person standing on “C” move to the top platforms.
    Have that one person stand on A then 2 then B, each time keeping track of the 
    number of slime.
    You don’t need to click with the person on “3” because IF YOU USE YOUR BRAINS,
    you can figure out if “3” is a correct platform or not. This annoys me because 
    people waste a perfectly good trial on something they already know if they 
    stopped and turned on their brain.
    Once you have tested the top platforms A 2 and B, then you know which top 
    platforms are correct. Also you know whether platform “C” is correct or not 
    as well. Have people stand on those platforms. The people on the bottom ones, 
    should start on the right, and gradually move their way to the left one 
    person at a time. If the number of slime decreases, then the platform the 
    person was standing on is correct. If the number of slime increases, then 
    the platform that they are standing on is correct. If the number of slime 
    stays the same, then they are either both correct, or both incorrect, use the 
    information from the next platform to figure out which.
    If you didn’t understand all of this, I assume you are one of the younger 
    players on Maple Story and should just leave this part to the freaky older 
    people wasting their lives on Maple Story, but who can understand logic.
    Once you get the right combo, go to the right and press up by the portal.

      Stage 4: Last Man Standing

      This stage requires the members of the party (excluding the leader), to defeat all monsters that spawn here - they are Curse Eyes, Zombie Lupin, and Toy Trojan. Each defeated monster will drop a Cupid Code Piece. Each members must collect a total of 10 (50 in total). After the requirements are fulfilled, your leader must talk to Amos and move on to the next stage.
      Curseeye.png Curse Eye
      Zombie Lupin.PNG Zombie Lupin
      Toy Trojan.PNG Toy Trojan
      Quest288.gif Cupid Code Piece
      The fourth stage of the Amorian Challenge. This is by far the easiest stage. Merely defeat the monsters present and collect 50 Cupid Code Pieces. Various monsters spawn here, including Curse Eyes, Zombie Lupins, and Toy Trojan Soldiers.

      1. Defeat all monsters that spawn here - they are Curse Eye GL, Zombie Lupin GL, and  Toy Trojan GL. You need to collect 50 Cupid Code Piece.
      2. The leader should talk to Amos when the requirements have been fulfilled, and move on to the next stage.

      This stage is so pitifully easy. There are monsters that drop these things 
      called cupid code pieces. The leader needs fifty of them to get to the next 
      stage. So basically everyone kills ten or more monsters and brings the pieces 
      back up near Amos to give to the leader. The monsters keep spawning so there 
      is no chance of people dcing with pieces or anything like that.
      The only problem is that the map is fairly small, so people end up KSing 
      another person’s monster. Just spread out and try not to make the other people 
      hate you.
      Before the leader clicks to go to the next stage, he needs to have an AFK 
      If someone is AFK, or lagging badly, wait until they come back or stop 
      lagging, and then you can clear the stage.

      Stage 5: Fluttering Hearts

      This stage is very simple, all though members must be careful, as it is an easy stage to die. In this stage, all members have to run to the right of the screen. Members must hit the gates down to proceed to the next gate, eventually reaching the end. Be careful of monsters chasing behind, especially Rombots, which can inflict 10,000 damage when touched. After reaching the end, each member must talk to Amos, to procced to the final stage, The Boss Stage. Note: Only physical attacks will work to open the gates, and you cannot attack if you are too close to the gate.

      After passing through Stage 4's gate, it has suddenly become night time, and dozens of monsters have begun pouring out. First come Skeledogs, Dirty Ratz, and  Wraiths capable of flight. Players must hit the gate with their regular attacks to bust it open in time, before an army of angry Rombots come and destroy them.

      A fairly simple stage, but may cause you to die if you're not careful.

      1. Wraiths, Dirty Ratz, and Bloctopii will chase after you, but they deal little damage. Of utmost concern are the Rombots behind these monsters who can deal 10,000 damage upon touching them.
      2. Run towards the gate on the right, while monitoring your HP closely. Each party member will have to attack the gate to open it, then run towards the end of the map on the right.
      3. The leader, and subsequently other party members will have to talk to Amos to progress to the next stage.

      You will appear on the left side of a long map. A message will appear saying 
      RUN TO THE RIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! Or something like that. 
      And that is what you need to do, for some monsters start coming from the left 
      side of the map. You can’t kill them at all, and eventually some rombots will 
      come that deal out 10k damage. BAM! One hit kill!
      So everyone start going to the right. There are lave jet streams everywhere, 
      that deal out around 300 damage and knock you back to the left. And also 
      every now and then a gate will appear that you all need to whack to open it. 
      Just keep pressing right to get through it. 
      A tip to move faster, either jump into or let the monsters hit you and they 
      will bump you to the right and do way less damage then lava.
      Priests should try and heal everyone, but since people start getting spread 
      out, and when you heal you lose ground, it can be a hassle. 
      If someone gets really far behind, don’t scream for the Priest and watch your 
      HP drop, just use some potions already. Using some potions won’t kill you. 
      And if you don’t use potions you will die, and then the rest of the party 
      will hate you forever since they can’t get to the boss stage. And then they 
      have to wait six hours to APQ again. JUST USE THE STUPID POTS!
      Once you get near the right side of the map, the ground starts sloping up, 
      climb up the slope till you get near the safe spot near the door. There the 
      rombots can’t hit you.
      Once again the leader asks if everyone isn’t AFK, and then clears the stage.
      Then you click on Amos to get to the boss stage.

        Stage 6:  Love Hurts

        In this stage, it requires you to defeat all 3 stages of Giest Balrog. Jump down to the bottom of the map and defeat Phase 1, which is Geist Barlog in the form of Jr. Balrog. After defeating phase 1, it shall transform to Phase 2, Crimson Balrog, which is the same as Jr. Balrog although it has the ability of flight. Once again, after defeating the second phase, the 3rd Phase will be summoned. Defeat the white Geist Balrog which is obviously strongest of the 3. It has the ability to randomly teleport, it can use Dispel (all skills and boosts are cancelled), a claw and scratch attack. After defeating the Geist Balrog, the Geist Fang will drop, give this to Amos, and proceed to the BONUS Stage. If you have any low level people, have them go to the left side and wait. Note: If you die, never click the 'Ok' button because when you do, your party can't clear the stage. So just wait until they've cleared and then click 'Ok'.
        The Geist Balrog, flinching from attacks in the Boss stage.

        1. Talk to Amos, and the entire party will be teleported down where Geist Balrog Phase 1 awaits - which takes the form of  Jr. Balrog.
        2. Defeat that, then Geist Balrog Phase 2 will spawn in its place - which takes the form of Crimson Balrog. Kill it.
        3. Finally, Geist Balrog Phase 3 will appear. It is obviously the hardest among the 3 phases, and is capable of powerful attacks which includes random teleportation, physical or magical invincibility, can cast Dispel, and has a scratching attack.
        4. Kill it to get the Geist Fang, then give it to Amos. You will then be brought to the Bonus stage.
        Jbalrogxl3.png Jr. Balrog (Phase 1)
        9400537.png Crimson Balrog (Phase 2)
        9400572.png Geist Balrog (Phase 3)
        Quest285.gif Geist Fang

          Here is a map of the boss stage
          Amos                                   ____
          ____   ____      ----       ___
              |      ___         ___            ___
              |                                       ______
              | ___        ----        ----          | 
              |       ___                            |
              |               ___             ----   |
              |  ___                 ----            |      
              |        ___                 ___       |
          You will all appear on the platform by Amos, but you can’t jump down. Once 
          all of you party is there, then the leader clicks on Amos and you are sent 
          into the bigger part of the map. The platforms in the map all have hidden 
          portals on them, and send you around in a loop. More on these later
          The boss starts off as a Jr. Balrog, which is easily killed. After he is 
          killed, he turns into a Crog and starts fling around. Then after you attack 
          the crog and he dies the boss completes his final transformation and turns 
          into a Geist Rog, he turns white.
          Geist can still fly around but he has added a bunch of skills to his arsenal.
          He can now dark sight, use the tele platforms, use dispel, do around 1.5k 
          damage, up his magic defense, up his weapon defense.
          Here are some tips. The ground is covered with spikes. Stand on them. They 
          often will let you “dodge” Geist's big attack. 
          If you are a low level just along for the ride, go hide in a corner, sad but 
          If you follow Geist around when he teleports, then you end up playing tag, 
          and barely hitting him. Have someone one whack him, and then come back to the 
          If you are going to Meso Explode Geist, have people chase him around while 
          the CB drops his mesos, while a priest stands by spam healing him. Once the 
          mesos are ready, have everyone come stand by them to lure Geist close to you. 
          However, if Geist is using Mdef he will have a little yellow circle above his 
          head and meso explosion will only do “1” damage to him. Priests can dispel 
          him but be careful.
          Mages and Priests be warned, Geist has dispel. He can get rid of you magic 
          guard and then kill you in one hit. Priest should basically just spam heal, 
          and keep an eye on their MG and MP. However, if the CB’s are asking you to 
          dispel him, go right ahead. However be very careful of your MG, just because 
          you are dispelling Geist, doesn’t mean he isn’t dispelling you. I have a 
          level 74 priest and the most common cause of me dying is that I try to dispel 
          Geist, forget about my MG and he kills me.
          Once you finally kill Geist, he will drop an item. Give that item to your 
          leader. Now everyone needs to get within clicking distance of Amos.
          The easiest way I found to do this is to:
          Press up on the bottom left portal, press up one more time, jump down onto 
          the platform on your left, and then press up two more times. You should now 
          be able to click on Amos.
          Once the leader clears the stage you all click on Amos and you will be sent 
          to the bonus area.

            Bonus Stage : Stage 7: Amos' Vault for Couples

            If you have three guys and three girls, Amos will transport you to the couples vault. If EVERYONE is with their spouse, then you can go in the 
            couples vault. I think there are semi better items.
            There are 2 type of bonus stages. One stage for a party that consists of 3 couples with their spouses. You will teleported to a map, where the first couple to kill all 35 enemies, collect their drops, and get to the top will have a chance to acquire a rare cape. Only the first couple will get the chance, and one spouse must give up his or her chance for the other spouse to have one. Once the special bonus is completed, you will be teleported to the normal bonus round.
            If your party does not consist of three couples with their spouses, you will come to this bonus round and skip the previous one. Here you simply hit the scattered boxes around the map and obtain usable, equipments and etc. items. It is a good tactic to have a thief class cast haste before beginning, and standing where you can hit two boxes at once to save time and open more in the short time limit.
            If not you are transported to the regular vault where you whack boxes and stuff comes out.
            1. Two types of Bonus stages exist - the first one is the map Amos' Vault for Couples which you will be transported to if your party is made out of 3 couples. Kill the monsters to hunt for 35 Cupid Code Piece by hitting the various boxes scattered about the map. Either one of the partner can only give them to Amos - where each couple would receive 4,000 EXP. The first couple that collects all 35 Cupid Code Piece will stand a chance to win one of the following:
            2. Unfortunately, in order for one member of the couple to get a prize, the other must sacrifice their chance. This is to honor the story of Elias and Cecelia, detailed on the Amoria page. The odds of getting a cape are extremely low, and since few parties attempt to do the Couples stage, they are among the rarest items in the game.

            The Legendary Elias Cape 1
            Req Level: 65
            Req Stats: -
            Weapon Def.: 35
            Magic Def.: 35
            Job: Common
            Effects: -
            No. of upgrades available: 7
            Sold for: 300,000 mesos
            Dropped by: -
            Available from: -

            The Legendary Elias Cape 2
            Req Level: 65
            Req Stats: -
            Weapon Def.: 35
            Magic Def.: 35
            Job: Common
            Effects: -
            No. of upgrades available: 7
            Sold for: 300,000 mesos
            Dropped by: -
            Available from: -

              The Legendary Elias Cape 3
              Req Level: 65
              Req Stats: -
              Weapon Def.: 35
              Magic Def.: 35
              Job: Common
              Effects: -
              No. of upgrades available: 7
              Sold for: 300,000 mesos
              Dropped by: -
              Available from: -
              Cecelia Cloak 1
              Req Level: 65
              Req Stats: -
              Weapon Def.: 35
              Magic Def.: 35
              Job: Common
              Effects: -
              No. of upgrades available: 7
              Sold for: 300,000 mesos
              Dropped by: -
              Available from: -
              Cecelia Cloak 2 
              Req Level: 65
              Req Stats: -
              Weapon Def.: 35
              Magic Def.: 35
              Job: Common
              Effects: -
              No. of upgrades available: 7
              Sold for: 300,000 mesos
              Dropped by: -
              Available from: -
              Cecelia Cloak 3
              Req Level: 65
              Req Stats: -
              Weapon Def.: 35
              Magic Def.: 35
              Job: Common
              Effects: -
              No. of upgrades available: 7
              Sold for: 300,000 mesos
              Dropped by: -
              Available from: -
              When you're done, you'll be brought to Amos' Vault.
              If you don't have 3 couples in your party, you will be automatically transported to Amos' Vault. Open the boxes to get your rewards.    

              Useable Items
              •     Onyx Apple
              •    Amorian Rice Cookie
              •     Power Elixir
              •     Victoria's Amorian Basket
              •    Reindeer Milk
              •     Mushroom Miso Ramen
              •     Grape Juice
              •    Gold Plate
              •     Diamond
              •     Black Crystal
              •     Diamond Ore

              •     Scroll for Gloves for ATT 60%
              •     Cursed Scroll for Cape for LUK 30%
              •     Cursed Scroll for Cape for INT 30%
              •     Cursed Scroll for Cape for STR 30%
              •     Cursed Scroll for Cape for DEX 30%
              •     Scroll for Helmet for HP 10% 

                - Equipments  

                Celestial Earrings
                Req Level: 40
                Req Stats: -
                Weapon Def.: -
                Magic Def.: 25 (23-28)
                Job: Common
                Effects: -
                No. of upgrades available: 5
                Sold for: 27,500 mesos
                Dropped by: -
                Available from: -

                Cecelia's Earrings
                Req Level: 60
                Req Stats: -
                Weapon Def.: 10
                Magic Def.: 35
                Job: Common
                Effects: -
                No. of upgrades available: 5
                Sold for: 150,000 mesos
                Dropped by: -
                Available from: -

                Moonstar Earrings
                Req Level: 45
                Req Stats: -
                Weapon Def.: 5
                Magic Def.: 27
                Job: Common
                Effects: -
                No. of upgrades available: 5
                Sold for: 50,000 mesos
                Dropped by: -
                Available from: -

                Amos' Royal Cape
                Req Level: 50
                Req Stats: -
                Weapon Def.: 20
                Magic Def.: 18
                Job: Common
                Effects: -
                No. of upgrades available: 5
                Sold for: 50,000 mesos
                Dropped by: -
                Available from: -

                Amos' Spirit Cape
                Req Level: 50
                Req Stats: -
                Weapon Def.: 18
                Magic Def.: 20
                Job: Common
                Effects: -
                No. of upgrades available: 5
                Sold for: 50,000 mesos
                Dropped by: -
                Available from: -

                End of Amorian Challenge Party Quest (MapleStory)
                Credits to: Hidden-Street.net Myself for adding and correcting information.

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