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Updated on 20-Oct-24

MapleStory Henesys Party Quest

Rank Fastest time Completed Item Required
S 6 min 60 Yes
A 7 min 40 Yes
B 8 min 20 No
C 9 min 10 No
D 10 min 1 No
F - 0 No
  • You need to be Level 10 or above to do this party quest
  • Head to Henesys Park and form a party of at least 3 members. 
  • Characters who are levels 10 to 15 benefit the most from this party quest.
- Time Limit : 10 min
- Participants : 3 ~ 6
(After acquiring 20 Moon Bunny's Rice
Cake, hand them over to Tory for a nice

You can go to this PQ via any maps with mirror of dimension NPC. Henesys map is one of them.

Your party leader should talk to the NPC Tory to begin the quest.

          Bl               G 
   Y      = ______________ =       Pu              ___ Floor
   =                                =              =   Plant Platform
     ____ Br      M        Pi ____                 M   Moon
           = ___  >><<  __  =                      >><<Moon Bunny  
                                                   P   Plant - second is color
PG     PBl                                         NPC The Tiger, NPC
_________________________________________NPC       ++  Borders, limits
PPu  PG  PPu   PPi   PPi  PBr  PBr PY  PY  PBl

Here's a map about what the hill looks like. To understand the key a little bit
better, check out the next sections.

Stage 1

When you enter, talk to the NPC Growlie who will demand for 10 Moon Bunny's Rice Cakes. These are obtained by summoning a Moon Bunny.

  1. At the bottom of the map, attack the brown plants to make them drop 6 different colours of seeds. There is a time limit of 10 minutes.
  2. Each collected seeds must be dropped on each of the small six platforms in the center surrounding the moon. Placement of the Primrose Seeds:
     Top Left
    Blue Primrose Seed - Top-left platform
     Top Right
    Green Primrose Seed - Top-right platform
    Yellow Primrose Seed - Left platform
    Purple Primrose Seed - Right platform
    Brown Primrose Seed - Bottom-left platform
     Bottom Right
    Pink Primrose Seed - Bottom-right platform

    Seed explanation
    The Idea of this party quest is this: When you enter, immediately go downwards and start hitting the plants. Each plant drops a seed, and a specific color of seed, but we'll talk about that later. If you look above the place where you came in, there are six platforms where you need to put seeds. Each platform needs a specific color of seed to grow a flower. When all flowers are grown, a bunny will come, and we'll also talk about later. Here is a handy diagram to show where each color of seed grows.

    The colours on the bottom reseprent the seed they drop.

    Place the seeds!

    Above the plants there is a full moon. around it are 6 platforms, the objective is to place the seeds on the platform.

    In MapleSEA and MapleEurope put the seeds as following:
    • Brown - Bottom Left
    • Yellow - Middle Left
    • Blue - Top Left
    • Green - Top Right
    • Purple - Middle Left
    • Pink - Bottom Right
    In MapleGlobal (after Big Bang)
    • Primrose Seed goes on all 6 platforms.

    Stage 2

    1. Once all seeds have been dropped into the respective platforms, the Moon Bunny will appear.
    2. At this stage, waves of flying enemies that include weaker versions of Flyeyes, Stirges, and Blins will attempt to attack the Moon Bunny. The Moon Bunny will take some time to prepare 10 Moon Bunny's Rice Cake.
    3. Your task is to protect the Moon Bunny while it slowly drops the
      Moon Bunny's Rice Cake
      Moon Bunny's Rice Cake, which the party leader should collect.

    This stage is over when all ten rice cakes have been collected. The PQ fails when it exceeds the time limit of 10 minutes, or the Moon Bunny dies.

    Exit Stage

    1. Each party member would be given 1600 experience points, and will brought to an exit stage, Hidden Street: Shortcut, where you can gain access to the bonus stage, Hidden Street: Pig Town, or exit the party quest completely.
    Once you have decided your next course of action, talk to Tory to exit the quest, or talk to Tommy to head to Pig Town.

      Pig Town

      There is a bonus stage full of Pigs. Here is the list of equipment dropped.
      The rewards from pigs are:

      It is similar to that after Kerning PQ. Sometimes an Iron Hog spawns here, but it is weaker than an ordinary Iron Hog and gives more EXP. Iron Hogs spawn about 1-3 times.
      The Pigs seem to have a higher drop rate and drop different items than those outside. They drop wide range of weapons, armors and scrolls.
      The time limit for this stage is 5 minutes.
      A Rice Cake on Top of my Head (Hat)
      You have collect 10 rice cakes to complete the second phase of the PQ. By collecting an additional 20, you can give them to the bunny and receive a Rice Hat. You don't need to collect all of them at once. Just turn in what you have and the total sum just has to equal 20. You can give the rice cakes in small packages (eg. Give 10, then 5, then 5), and when you're done, talk to the bunny again to get your hat.
      A Rice Cake on Top of My Head
       Req Level: 15
       Req Stats: 4 STR, 4 DEX, 4 INT, 4 LUK
       Weapon Def.: 22

      Magic Def.: -
       Job: Common
       Effects: -
       No. of upgrades available: 7
       Sold for: 1 mesos
       Dropped by: -
       Available from: -
      Obtained by giving an accumulated total of 20 Moon Bunny's Rice Cake to Tory at Henesys Party Quest exit.
      The mysterious Moon Bunny only appears in full moon at Primrose Hill. Tory of Henesys Park is looking for brave explorers that are willing to help Growlie get Moon Bunny's Rice Cake. If you wish to see the Moon Bunny, you'll have to plant the Primrose Seed at a designated spot to bring out the full moon. Protect the Moon Bunny from wild monsters so the Moon Bunny can make 10 rice cakes
      Credits to: Hidden-Street.net 

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