Is there any changes made after Big Bang for (MapleStory) Kerning PQ ?
Kerning PQ- Stages changed.
- No more random question asked at stage 1, just collect the amount of passes requested.
Rank | Fastest time | Completed | Item Required |
S | 10 min | 70 | Yes |
A | 15 min | 50 | Yes |
B | 20 min | 30 | No |
C | 25 min | 10 | No |
D | 30 min | 1 | No |
F | - | 0 | No |
You need to be at Level 20-200 to do the party quests
Talk to
Updates on the PQ post-Big Bang:
- There is a time limit of 30 minutes for each round.
- A countdown timer is now added on the blue bar.
- You can no longer smuggle the passes and coupons.
- Stage 1
- Stage 2
- Stage 3
- Stage 4
- Last Stage
- Rewards/Prizes
How to go to kerning party quest?
You can use the Mirror of Dimension, select First Time Together icon and press GO.
Take the regular taxi to Kerning city and find this
You will enter this map and you will see another
Stage 1
- Walk to the right of the map and talk to
- Post-Big Bang,
Cloto will ask you for a specific number of coupons.
- Defeat the monsters in the map to collect the coupons.
- Once you have collected the right amount of coupons, talk to Cloto and you will receive a Pass. 2-3 Passes are needed, depending on the number of party members you have.
![]() |
Pass |
5. If you're not the leader of the party, pass the yellow Pass to your party leader. If you are the party leader, collect all 2-3 Passes from your party members.
6. For the party leader, once you have collected all 2-3 Passes, talk to
Stage 2
- Walk to the right of the map and talk to
- The party members should climb on each vine while you, the party leader should stand aside and click
Cloto till you get the right combination.
- If the combination is wrong, try the other combination by asking one of the party members to climb the other empty vine. Keep trying until you get the correct combination.
Stage 3
![]() |
This level is another combination with 5 platforms (1 kitten as platform 1, 2 kittens as platform 2, and so on) |
1. Walk to the right of the map and talk to
2. The party members should get on the platform while you, the party leader should stand aside and click The objective is to arrange 3 of your members on these platforms to try to find the right combination, while the leader clicks Cloto to determine if the combination is correct.
It is recommended that you follow this pattern to prevent confusion:
After the first Wrong try, a hint will appear (Sprinkles on the Correct Platform). One person must not move on that platform because that is the right platform to stay on.
If the platform hint is on 1, the combinations that are possible are : 123, 124, 125, 134, 135, and 145
If the platform hint is on 2, the combinations that are possible are : 234, 235, and 245
If the platform hint is on 3, the combination that is possible is: 345
3. Keep trying the recommended combination in numerical order till you get the correct combination.
4. When you make your first mistake, some sparkles will appear on one correct platform which would indicate the first number in the combination. Get one of your party members to remain on that platform and don't move, while the rest tries for the correct combination. For example, if the sparkling platform is 3, the combination would then be 3,_,_ - as 4 and 5 are the only platforms higher than 3, the combination would then be 345.
5. Once you get the correct combination, the portal will be opened for the next stage.
Stage 4
- Post Big-Bang, this stage requires you to kill all
Curse Eyes in the map.
- Note: You need not collect any of the passes that are dropped by them, although the leader could keep 1 pass to obtain extra EXP in the Last Stage.
- Once the stage is cleared, proceed to the portal to the next stage.
Last Stage
- Prepare potions and support skills before jumping down to fight King Slime. (Note: Post Big-Bang, you no longer need to fight other monsters before facing King Slime.)
- Once you're ready, jump down and take on King Slime.
![]() |
King Slime Boss |
- Level: 40
- HP: 8,000
- MP: 100
- Experience: 800
- Knock Back: 300
- Speed: -20
- Weapon Attack: 130
- Magic Attack: 165
- Accuracy: 140
- Weapon Defense: 160
- Magic Defense: 160
- Avoidability: 10
- Once you have taken down King Slime, climb back up to
- Once King Slime is defeated, a treasure box pop-up will appear - select one to receive your prize.
- Beware: You will not be able to receive your prize or exit from the pop-up if King Slime is defeated before the party leader arrives in the map. If this occures, you must forfeit your prize by having a party member leave the party. This is a glitch that has yet to be rectified at the time of writing.
- There's a chance that King Slime may drop
Squishy Shoes.
- Talk to
Cloto to exit the stage.
Squishy Shoes | Req Level: 30 | Req Stats: - | |
Weapon Def.: 10 | Magic Def.: 5 | Job: Common | |
Effects: STR +1, DEX +1, INT +1, LUK +1, Speed +3 | No. of upgrades available: 5 | Sold for: Cannot be sold, cannot be traded | |
Available from: - | |||
The Bonus Stage has been removed post-Big Bang, and it has been replaced with a treasure box pop-up as indicated previously.
You may obtain 1 of the items listed in the following list.
Brown Bamboo Hat | Req Level: 25 | Req Stats: - | |
Weapon Def.: 15 | Magic Def.:- | Job: Common | |
Effects: LUK +3 (3-5) | No. of upgrades available: 7 | Sold for: 6,000 mesos | |
Dropped by: - | |||
Available from:
| |||
This is good for thief as starter hat as it adds LUK. Note: You only can get 3 luk brown bamboo hat in this PQ. For 4-5 Luk, you need to play gachapon to get it. |
Blue Bamboo Hat | Req Level: 25 | Req Stats: STR 30 | |
Weapon Def.: 15 (14-16) | Magic Def.: - | Job: Common | |
Effects: STR +3 (3-4) | No. of upgrades available: 7 | Sold for: 6,000 mesos | |
Dropped by: - | |||
Available from: - | |||
Good for swordman as starter hat, as it adds STR. You can only get 3 STR bamboo hat in this PQ. |
Green Bamboo Hat | Req Level: 25 | Req Stats: DEX 30 | |
Weapon Def.: 15 | Magic Def.: - | Job: Common | |
Effects: DEX +3 | No. of upgrades available: 7 | Sold for: 6,000 mesos | |
Dropped by: - | |||
Available from: - | |||
Good for archers as starter hat, adds dex. |
Potions, food and materials:
Getting back into your PQ when finished:
In order to swiftly get back into the PQ when finished, instead
of waiting around, have one person leave the bonus stage (as long
as 2 people including the leader remain in the bonus no-one
else will be able to enter the PQ) to check whether there are
any parties outside waiting.
If so, try to ‘Rush’. This means everyone leaves the PQ,
activates Nimble Feet if they have it (which you should) and
runs like mad back to the PQ start. The leader then clicks
Lakelis again and re-enters your party for the PQ, hopefully
without the other group trying to enter while your party is running
through Kerning City.
If there is no-one outside, you can be a bit less frantic with
the Rush tactic, but try to get there quickly.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you get there within 10 seconds of
leaving the last PQ, it will say there is a party already
in there. There isn’t. Wait for a few seconds and try again,
it should let you in.
"Hogging" or "Camping" Hogging is the term used for staying in the bonus stage until the time in the Party Quest ends. The point of this method is to obtain as much EXP as possible with the time remaining, training on the Green and Horned Mushrooms in the stage. It's a highly unrecommended thing to do. If you get whispers from other characters telling you to get out, you should leave if they kindly asked you. If they whispered you in a bad way, I suggest you reply to them saying you will stay longer if they whisper like that again to you. Many parties don't like that when people do that. In the event that you do get whispers from waiting parties, many people suggest scouting or rushing rather then doing bonus hogging. This is because it really irritates the members of other parties, and could result in defames or bad reputation. PQ Etiquette and manners:
Here are a few basic unspoken laws and general manners in PQ, which I sincerely advise you to follow:
1: If your leader ‘misses’ and another party gets in before you,
DO NOT cuss them out and make a noob of yourself. Remember, ‘he who calleth another a noob sees not another person, but merely a mirror image’ (Thanks KnightKurisu for your words of wisdom ^_^) If you think the party is full of idiots, just leave. Alternatively, save everyone hassle and just wait or change channels to try again. 2: If, during any point, you need to go AFK for a few minutes, politely inform your party members of this. If this is during Stage 1 and you need someone to get your coupons for you, ask POLITELY and say please, and thank you when you get back. 3: If one of your party members does the above and goes AFK: DO NOT call them noobs or cuss them out. Sitting around with the F7 expression or aimless poking of the AFKer is still ok. ^_^ 4: If someone can’t get into position on Stage 4 due to bad co-ordination or something, don’t cuss them, just wait for them. 5: If someone doesn’t know the traditional order for the puzzle stages, explain calmly. 6: If someone dies (more on that in a minute) tell them to meet you outside the PQ again. 7: Even if you don’t get along with the other party members, don’t leave/kick anyone, because this will end the PQ and lose everyone Exp and time. 8: If someone ruins your solo on the Slime King, or someone rushes ahead and steals all the Necki kills (happens a lot) just ask them not to do it again, don’t start swearing. 9: If there are passes lying around, pick them up and take them to the leader. 10: If you continually get bad rewards, it’s no-one elses fault. Don’t blame the party for your bad luck. Similarly, if you get 3 Overall DEX scrolls in a row, don’t brag. Inform your members what you got, though, since they may wish to swap or buy from you. 11: If you finish Stage 1 early, or are the leader, help the weakest members or the ones with the largest amount of coupons to collect. 12: Make use of your character expressions. Using F2 when entering the PQ, or giving your passes to the leader, or after killing King Slime etc, helps lighten the atmosphere. 13. There is some theory that the ordinary slimes spawned when the King Slime dies shouldn’t be killed because it affects the reward – I personally haven’t noticed any difference either way over hundreds of PQ’s, but hey, there might be something in it, so don’t kill them. ~To summarise, just try and be nice. It makes the PQ much more fun and infinitely easier.~
AC Acronym for Autoclick.
Autoclick A program that is used to automatically click Lakelis to guarantee getting in to party quest.
Cloto An NPC you need to click to advance in the party quest.
Corner kill Killing a monster when its in a corner on the last level, causing it to not drop a pass.
Coupon An item you need to collect on the first level of party quest.
Curse Eye A monster you need to kill on the final level of party quest
Jr.Necki A snake monster you need to kill on the final level of party quest.
King Slime A giant slime in the last stage of party quest.
Lakelis AnNPC you need to click to get into the party quest.
Ligator A green crocodile monster you need to defeat in the first level to get coupons.
Pass An item you need to collect to advance in first and final stages.
Track Name of a person currently doing the PQ. See tracking.
Tracking Using the /find command to see what level someone is at in the party quest to be prepared for clicking when they are exiting.
Credits to:
Myself for adding and correcting information.