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MapleStory Shumi's Kerning Subway Jumping Quests

Jumping Quest NPC (Shumi) is at the left of Kerning City

  •  Shumi's Lost Coin

Construction Site B1 <AREA 1> WALKTHROUGH
Jumping Quest Obstacles/Monsters: Moving Laser, Electric Wires, Jr Neckis, Stirges


Once you're through, you'll have a 99 minute time limit to hunt bubblings or you can just look into the chest. Congratulations, you have passed through Shumis first Jumping Quest!
  • When you are ready to leave, click the Treasure Chest to collect Shumi's Coin.
  • If the Jumping Quest is already complete, you will receive either two random mineral ores (Adamantium, Bronze, Mithril, Silver, Orihalcon, or Steel) or nothing at all.

  • Shumi's Lost Bundle of Money

Jumping Quest Part 1

Jumping Quest Part 2

Jumping Quest Part 3


Jumping Quest Overview
Jumping Quest Obstacles/Monsters: Lasers (The ones that appear and disappear), Moving Laser, Stirges.

Jumping Quest Guide
Part 1, section 1: Take the left rope and look for stalling gaps. Part 1, section 2 and 3: You can duck in some places, watch the lasers. Part 1, section 4: When at the top of the square, wait for everything to leave.
Part 2, section 1: Fall, fall fall Part 2, section 2 and 3: You can duck or even stand up in some places, but don't think that the floor is actually solid...
Extra: Get in the subway by going into a sign and walk to the ladder past the treasure chest.

  • On the right of each ladder, theres a brown looking pole that is divided into cubes.
  • Take the second ladder to your left.
  • Take note of where your head is, it should be under the 4th cube of the pole next to you
  • Wait until the lasers go out COMPLETELY. One hit and you go off
  • When they go out, Go to they 7th or 8th cube of the pole ( your body should fit there )
  • Lasers out, Go up until you are nearly at the electric fence travel wire
  • Lasers out, Go and duck at the nearby electric fence at the top left
  • Lasers out, Go and quickly duck under the electric fences at the top.
  • Lasers out, Go to the 2nd last brick at the side(left or right) and press up.
  • Jump and duck sometimes and NEVER stop in the middle of the ladder.
  • If the moving laser is up and lasers out, jump and quickly get onto the side.
  • Keep going and beware of the laser at the top.
  • When you see the 0 and the slash (/) on a sign, it means if you fall, you fall more down.
  • Study the Lasers and eventually you`ll get it.
  • When you are done the 2 phrases of lasers, go and jump and FALL onto the portal spot
  • You will get knock back from the free fall so you need to keep going a little.
Jump Quest area completed
  • Redo Subway Jumping quest - 2 Random Jewel Ores (except Diamond or Black Crystal )

  • Shumi's Lost Sack Of Money


Jumping Quest Obstacles/Monsters: Lasers (The ones that appear and disappear), Moving Laser, Shockwave Lasers, Electric Wires.

Part 1
This is a jump/wait run. Bat things will block your way sometimes, and to get through them quickly, you should get hit by the electric fences.
The fastest way to do this is to get hit by the electric fences. Electric fences push you to the left one "jump", and turn you invincible. Tricks include jumping when the electric fence is on, allowing you to jump to the left and up at the same time, while turning you invincible. This allows you to avoid bats easily.
It is much easier and faster to just jump/wait. But if you jump for ores, you need to master hitting the fences to avoid the stirges.
Part 2
The fastest way is to do a non-stop run through the map... it is hard to explain but easy to show. Just hold down right and keep jumping. There are only 3 spots you need to stop and wait. If done correctly, you should be done in just around 30 seconds. The ABSOLUTE perfect time includes getting hit by a few lasers to push you forward, and you end up around 28 seconds time.
It should be noted that the fastest way through on your first run is to just jump and wait, jump and wait. It takes much practice to beat this part like the masters, and the jump wait cycle does not take long to do either. A "perfect run" takes just under 30 seconds, and you should have only 1 "wait" the entire jump time if you do it correctly. Masters aim for "nearly perfect" runs, that takes a bit longer than 30 seconds and only wait 2 times the entire time. (once in the middle, and once on the end)
Part 3
The fastest way to complete this map is by getting hit at certain places. Red Horizontal lasers push you 1 jump to the left, Red Vertical Lasers push you right 1.5 jumps (so you have to jump into vertical lasers for it to work for you), blasters push you down or to the left/right 1 jump, and electric fences push you one to the left. End of Jumping Quest.

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