Kenta's advice This quest allows pet to move faster & catch up with your character speed. For example,the pet owner has haste & the pet has to keep tele to get to the owner but after doing this quest the pet will be able to catch up with the owner's speed. Things needed: Piece of paper A Piece of paper B Piece of paper C Piece of paper D Piece of paper E The papers can be found in boxes around aquaroad |
Fanzy the Amusing Cat(Level 1 and above)Pre-requisite: Fanzy the Mysterious Cat completedHunt the red furball for Fanzy & it will reward you by adding your pet closeness Things needed: Red Ball of Yarn x 1
Pet Instructor Test 1)Go to Trainer Bartos at henesys pet park, 2)Accept to Pet Instructor Test quest, 3)He will request you to go to the top of the pet park & get something, 4)When reach the top click on the basket of kittens & you will get the thing required, 5)Next Trainer Bartos will ask you to get Pet Snack, 6)After getting the pet snack return to Bartos & complete the quest. You will be able to use the multi pet skill,"Follow the Lead", after finishing the quest. Pet Snack is only available in cash shop for 3,500 @cash |