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Updated on 20-Oct-24

MapleStory Permanent Beginner

They may not have a job yet, but if they train hard for the treacherous journey that lies ahead they'll one day be able to become a high level-ed permanent beginner. They don't have any special skills yet, but basic yet crucial skills such as walking, jumping, sitting, climbing up the ladder, and etc.
Who says that? Beginner is lousy ? Beginner is a noob? Beginner is useless? Wrong, look at the below screenshot of a level 200 permanent beginner, they are being well-respected in maple world as we know that they have gone through hell amount of time training up to such high levels. With big bang patch applied, you are most likely to level up even faster!

Permanent beginners are rare in the maple world, therefore, permanent beginners always tend to bring up more attention of other normal maplers. Thus, permanent beginner is a ''cool'' job.Sometimes, they are even being debated in maple forums with envy and admire.

 1) Why they are being so well-respected in maple world?

Being a permanent beginner in the first place is a hard decision as this job may take more than a year of tough training to get to level 100+. Permanent beginner is very boring and monotonous job since they just keep normal attacking, with no special effects and damage boost applied.

Sometimes, you might even feel like giving up to train this job, as you are being ks-ed by other ranged jobs and even being scolded by others as a "noob" as you got almost no skills at all, making you being enraged. 

Being a permanent beginner, you are the weakest job in the maple world and with almost no skills at all, therefore, you are inferior than other jobs. You must accept all kind of game bullies in the game. For example,  being KS-ed by other high level characters which is inevitable.


2) Beginner skills List 


No skills at all?  this is not true !

You still have Weakening skills.

When killing certain monsters, you can Apply 150% of the damage to the monsters. Hopefully, the Korean Maplestory Developer can create more powerful skills for permanent beginner in the future, to empower this uncommon job.Not only that you also have a skill "Nimble Feet" which allows you to move more quickly for a short period of time. 

Apart from this, I recommend you to bring along a thief friend/account with max ''haste'' which gives you max speed and jump ! This will definitely increase your training speed. Otherwise, try to get speed equipments to boost your movement speed. Movement Speed is vital for permanent beginner.

A Permanent Beginner is someone who levels, leaves Maple Island, but never gets a job. The person sticks with the three Beginner Skills, and the others offered. After level 30 or so it is extremely hard to begin leveling a Beginner, because of the lack of skills, and the damage gap. Most permabeginners are people that have other high leveled characters, and are super funded, so in a way the damage is compensated for the nice equips. There haven’t been many Beginners that have leveled far, but many have gotten to levels of 100-170, and that remains to be the case, but one person in KMS has achieved this “epic” accomplishment, of becoming the first level 200 Beginner!

As you can see, the Beginner leveling there.
According to Spadow, The character was in Demethos, and is the first level 200 Beginner in KMS. The other Beginners fall at levels 178 and lower.
The Maple-News Staff would like to congratulate “킴때진” on getting this clearly “epic” achievement!
*Thanks to Spadow for the info, Images from Spadow.wordpress.com

EuropeMS's strongest Beginner VS Griffey

This guy has hacked EE equips. If you look on the first SS his equips cant add all those 2xx stats, and his weapon can't bring him to 53k range. Most likely on the second SS, he equip-ed his hacked weapon. Not a legit beginner, might be strongest.

Permanent Beginner in MapleStory are beginners that will never go for job advancement and level as beginner.A beginner job would be able to level up quicker than it used to.As a beginner, you should get the skills here.

Very cheap taxi fares in Victoria island.
Never lose experience when died
Cool and limited weapons
Rare high level beginners as compare to other jobs

Low defense and HP which make them ''weak'', inferior to other classes.
No skills except beginner skills.
Easily get ks-ed (kill steal) by ranged characters like thieves.
No range attack, hit monsters on very close range only just like warrior.
Low attack damage as they do not have "skill" to use.

1. A MapleStory beginner stats
2. Beginner’s weapons review
3. AP  (Ability Points Distribution)
4. Quick ways to level a beginner 

1. Firstly, create a character.

Once you created a new character, you will get ''12 STR''. That's good enough to start your beginner job.

STR is the primary stats for beginner job*


2)  Beginner Weapons

Refer to this website to see all types of beginner weapons, they are mostly one handed sword, one handed blunt, pole arm, just like the warriors' weapons.


There are lots of beginner weapons to use but finally your final weapon of the game should be the Maroon Mop(pole arm) as it gives the most weapon attack among all the beginner weapons and able to deal high damage although the attacking speed is slow.

This should be your end-game weapon, this weapon is cheap and can be easily obtained via most of the gachapon machines in towns.Although this weapon looks ugly, but this weapon surely deal high damage. Perhaps, another good weapon for beginner job will be "sake bottle" which gives you around 100+ weapon attack and with a better attacking speed.

3) AP (Ability Points Distribution)

Try to add all your AP to your STR attribute as STR gives you the most damage and get some accuracy equipments like maple weapons if you are lack of accuracy. Unlike the past maplestory that many beginner are worrying about the accuracy issue.

Big bang patch update ensure you that as long as you are at the same level as the monster you will not miss to attack the monster and your accuracy must be the same as mobs avoid to get 100% hit rate.

Are pure-stat characters at disadvantages? 

Not at all, since pure stat characters will have much higher damage than before due to damage formula.Therefore becoming a Pure STR permanent beginner is the right choice.

However, for pure STR, the problem only lies on hit rate due to low accuracy, but, of course, but with potential and rating system, if equipments have a higher DEX, that shouldn't be the problem.

Accuracy & Hit Rate Formula
Accuracy Formulas

Physical Accuracy

Accuracy = 1.2 * DEX + LUK + Accuracy from equipments
Magic Accuracy
Accuracy = 1.2 * LUK + INT + Accuracy from equipments

Hit Rate Formulas

Hit Rate= 100 + [sqrt(Total Accuracy) - sqrt(Mobs Avoid)] - 5*d

where d is the (mobs level - your level), 0 when d < 0.
Note :
- This time, there will be no formulas for accuracy value needed to get 100% hit rate. This formula also applies to magic accuracy.

- No matter how high is your accuracy, as long as your level is lower than mobs level, you will have some miss, 5% miss rate for each difference between mobs and your level!! That explains why from some videos, some KMS players experience some misses on some mobs. And that's why level is now the most important when comes to hit rate!

- If your level is higher or equal to mobs level, your accuracy must be the same as mobs avoid to get 100% hit rate.

Mobs Level & Avoidability
Level 1-10 - 0
Level 11-20 - 1
Level 21-30 - 4
Level 31-40 - 8 (Except Prime Minister - 12)
Level 41-50 - 16
Level 51-60 - 25
Level 61-70 - 36
Level 71-80 - 49
Level 81-90 - 64
Level 91-100 - 81
Level 101-110 - 100 (Except Zakum - 144)
Level 111-120 - 121
Level 121-140 - 144
Level 141-160 - 169
Level 161 and above - 225 (Except Pink Bean - 625)

Check mobs Avoidability here

4) Quick Way to level a beginner 

1. Once you reached level 10 beginner, bring it to ''orbis'' via ellinia ship service and keep buying solid horns to do exchange quest. You had to be funded though.You can also buy the items needed for Huckles Quest for extra exp and the tele scrolls can be sold for mesos.

2. Get 2 computers and use 1 of your higher level character or other’s characters to party and train you, which is known as leeching in MapleStory.

Check out this thread too 

Complete list of beginner and perma-X differences
Purpose of guide
Compile a list of game differences between beginners and jobbed characters. In addition, this guide is also intended to be applicable to Noblesse, Legend and Citizens. All help with guide content and formatting is welcomed.

Gameplay differences
  • No EXP lost on death.
  • Party leadership may not be transferred to a beginner. However, beginners may still create and lead parties. This same restriction does not apply to expeditions.
  • Most transportation is discounted 90%. This does not apply to the Kerning City Subway, transport to/from/within Singapore and Malaysia.
  • Weapon damage multiplier is 1.20 regardless of weapon type.

Class-specific differences

  • Noblesse get 6 AP on levelup until 70.
  • Legends always trigger the swing animation and a slight attacking delay when attacking with polearms.
  • Legends' regular attack hits two monsters when a polearm is equipped. At level 20, attacks hit three monsters, and the number of monsters hit continues to increase by +1 for every 10 levels.
  • Citizens receive enough SP to max all their beginner skills.

  • On levelup, HP and MP are increased by 10 points on average. (verification required)
  • MP is further increased by 1 at levelup for every 10 points in INT. (verification required)
  • If AP is allocated to HP, the resulting increase is 10 HP per point. (verification required)
  • If AP is allocated to MP, the resulting increase is 10 MP per point. (verification required)

Obtainable Skills
Between levels 2-7, you receive a total of 6 SP which may be distributed among the first three skills listed. Notably, the Monster Rider and Maker skills are presently unavailable to beginners.
  • Three Snails
  • Nimble Feet
  • Recovery
  • Blessing of the Fairy (passive skill, requires another level 10+ character on same account)
  • [13] Legendary Spirit (must complete quest: The Wandering Alchemist Eurek's New Skill)
  • [13] Follow the Lead (must complete quest: Trainer's Command)
  • [25] Pig's Weakness (talk to Power B. Fore to acquire skill)
  • [25] Slime's Weakness (talk to Power B. Fore to acquire skill)
  • [25] Stump's Weakness (talk to Power B. Fore to acquire skill)
  • [100] Soaring (must complete quest: Towards the Sky 2)

Item Skills
The following hidden item skills may be unlocked by equipping an appropriate potential item.
  • [70] Decent Mystic Door
  • [70] Decent Hyper Body
  • [70] Decent Haste
  • [120] Decent Sharp Eyes (At this time, the highest level common class glove is Strong Machine Gloves [90], which is insufficient level to get this skill.)

Class-specific Skills
At max level, the Echo of the Hero skill may be obtainable, but this has yet to be confirmed.

Noblesse and Legends
  • (L50) Monster Riding (must complete quest)

These skills replace Three Snails, Nimble Feet and Recovery.
  • Crystal Throw
  • Infiltrate
  • Potion Mastery

The following quests are not available to beginners. This is not comprehensive, but rather just a collection of notable quests.
  • Mr. Wetbottom's Secret Book (sauna robe)
  • Moren's New Discovery (Maker skill)
  • Monster Riding (Monster Rider skill)

My last words..

With Big Bang patch applied, you can level up more easier than before as the experience needed have dropped dramatically.

Train hard to become one of the highest level permanent beginner in the maple world !

Thanks for reading.

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