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kMS ver. 1.2.135 – Cannon Shooter Build-up & Events

Another patch without Cannon Shooter! However, we now know when they will be released! On July 7th, the Cannon Shooter job will finally be available! Look forward to it~
This patch added in all the skill changes for Cannon Shooter so far, along with the PQ limit and the Event Calendar! Note: you can do EACH party quest 10 times a day, not 10 party quests a day.

From your menu bar, you can select the Event option, or from your keyboard, press the V key.

You will see a new window that shows you every single ongoing and upcoming event, along with their prizes! You can click the calender to see which days the events run from.
Read below the cut for information on the new events, including the Cannon Shooter’s preview event~

The first is the Hakuna Matata event! On June 25 and July 2, you will receive a Hakuna Matata box. Double click it and you’ll receive 3 Saturday’s Blessings, 3 Sunday’s Blessings, and a Safety Charm! The blessings give you 1.5x experience for 1 hour~!

The second is event is Look, the Pirate King’s Treasure! There are two parts to this event. One of them has to do with Cannon Shooters!

Each day, you must collect 6 Pirate King’s Treasure Map pieces. What does this have to do with Cannon Shooters? Well, if you keep collecting the map pieces, eventually you’ll start to find items that will help you raise your Cannon Shooter! You can collect the map pieces every 10 minutes, and each time you’ll get a Spring Water for Cannon Shooters. It gives 10% exp to Cannon Shooters less than level 50, 5% to levels 50~99, and it cannot be used by anyone level 100 or above. One Cannon Shooter can use up to 100 of these potions!

  • 1 day: 20 Power Elixirs
  • 3 days: 3 Continent Return Scrolls, 30 Power Elixirs
  • 5 days: 3 65% Hand Cannon for Attack Scrolls (account tradeable), 50 Power Elixirs
  • 7 days: the Legend Krisos hand cannon (account tradeable once), this hand cannon gives 107 attack and also comes unidentified~

The Pirate King Barbosa has been spotted around the Maple world! Find him and defeat him for some loot from his treasure!

Prizes from his treasure chest include:
  • Pirate King’s Gold (you can NPC them for money ranging from 10,000 mesos to 10 million mesos!)
  • 60% Pet Equipment for Attack/Magic Attack
  • Chaos Scroll
  • 60% Accessory for Attack/Magic Attack
  • 60% Accessory for Dex/Str/Int/Luk
  • 10 Sunrise) Dew
  • 10 Reindeer’s Milk
  • Various equipment and weapons

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