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MapleStory Blaze Wizard Guide *Good for UA* | Blaze Wizard SP Guide | Blaze Wizard Skill Build

Read through it i like blaze wizard for group attack moves

• Fast at levelling, second to only Dawn Warriors for Cygnus
• Decent mobbing damage, with tons of fire weak monsters to train on
• Skills have amazing animations
• Flame Gear in large maps like MP3 and DGP makes you unKSable
• Insane survivability, highest MP in the game up to 120

• Low 1 vs 1 DPM
• No party skills besides Meditation
• Meteor can no longer be spammed
• Must use insane amounts of Mana pots due to lack of MP Eater
• Flame Gear is overshadowed by Poison Mist, which is much stronger and better (still not fixed in Jump! Why!)

^AP Build and Equips guide
Three ways to go, Lukless, Low Luk, and regular luk.
Lukless means you have 4 LUK, 4 DEX, and 4 STR, and all AP into INT. The advantage of this is that you have more points into int (obviously), making you more powerful, not to mention more MP than any other class (BWs have 70 extra AP over all other mages). It doesn't take too much funding with the advent of cheap maple weapons, but still, whether lukless have more damage is debatable. You have to wear low levelled mage equips (overall, shoes, etc) for your entire career, and your weapon will have to be scrolled well to catch up to a luk wand. Still, eing a lukless Blaze Wizard isn't too hard. Use the Beginner wand until level 25. Then kill Astaroth a couple times to get his wand or staff (not to hard, since I did it 5 times, and both dropped). You could scroll this really well since it has 10 slots, and use it for longer, or just get a maple staff at 35. At 43 you can buy a Maple Lama Staff, or do Lita Lawless' quest "Cleaning the Streets" for a free Nocturnal Staff. At level 64, just upgrade to a Maple Shine Wand. Finally, your end game weapon is a Elemental Wand 1, which works quite well now actually since it gives a 20% bonus to fire type attacks, which are all your moves. But it is rather lacking in the m att department, 85 vs 113 for the Dimon Wand (level 98 luk wand), so scroll it well. If you can't afford an Elemental Wand, you could go for a Pyrope wand or staff, which have more matt, but are actually weaker because they don't have the elemental bonus.

Weapon guide for Lukless:
Level 8: Wooden Wand
Level 25: Astaroth Wand/Staff
Level 35: Maple Staff
Level 43: Nocturnal Staff or Maple Lama Staff
Level 64: Maple Shine Wand
Level 70: Elemental Wand 1-4 (elemental staffs require luk)

Low luk is IMO the best way to go. This means that you only add luk until you can equip everything. The benefits of this build is that you can equip the same things as a regular luk mage, but be slightly stronger. Most people cap at 50, but I added to 60 because I'm entirely unfunded. A Zhelm is really all you need funding wise, and if you can't afford one from the get go, you can look for cheap equips with potential luk in the FM (I have 7 luk gloves bought for 500k and 6 luk shoes bought for 400k). Recommended for 50 mil+ funding, still a decent option unfunded.

Weapon guide for Low LUK:
Equip whatever wand/staff you can with your luk.
Recommended end game is a Dimon Wand, which is cheap and easy to obtain.

Regular luk is for people who want to be a true (citation needed) mage, getting equipment upgrades every 10 levels, without worrying about having enough luk to equip stuff, or having godly scrolled weapons. Contrary to popular belief, having a regular luk build (I'd say around 80-90 luk) does not make you much weaker than a low luk or lukless. Recommended for unfunded people, or people who want to play maple story the old fashioned way.

Weapon guide:
You can equip everything you want! Yay (for the magician class, at least)!
Dimon Wand is again recommended, since the Dragon Wand is expensive, and you can only use the Reverse for 2 levels.

^1st Job
^1st job skills
• MP Boost
Level 10: Max MP +20%
This skill, although not as important as pre BB, makes you have even more MP (and thus survivability)
• Magic Guard
Level 15: MP Cost: 13, Damage Displaced: 80% of your HP, Duration: 600 sec
A very important skill later on in late 2nd job and beyond. Allows you to take huge amounts of damage into your MP instead of your HP. This is good, because a level 120 Blaze Wizard has around 2k HP, but 14k+ MP.
• Magic Armor
Level 15: MP Cost: -16, Weapon DEF: +120, Magic DEF: +120, Duration: 300 sec
Much better than pre BB Magic Armor, as def matters more, and its def buff has been increase by 6x. Still, I would rather want a summon than a defense increase.
• Magic Claw
Level 20: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 120% to 2 enemies
Your only attack in 1st job, hits pretty hard with a fire element as well. Still semi-useful in 2nd job.
• Flame
Level 10: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 120%, Duration: 200 sec
The Blaze Wizard's version of the Cygnus summon. I recommend maxing this over magic armor, as it allows you to kill faster, and is helpful for 100 levels.

^1st job SP Build
• Level 10: 1 Magic Claw(1)
• Level 11: 1 Flame (1), 2 Magic Claw (3)
• Level 12: 3 Magic Claw (6)
• Level 13: 3 Magic Claw (9)
• Level 14: 3 Magic Claw (12)
• Level 15: 3 Magic Claw (15)
• Level 16: 3 Magic Claw (18)
• Level 17: 2 Magic Claw (Maxed), 1 MP Boost (1)
• Level 18: 3 MP Boost (4)
• Level 19: 3 MP Boost (7)
• Level 20: 3 MP Boost (10)

• Level 21: 3 Flame (4)
• Level 22: 3 Flame (7)
• Level 23: 3 Flame (Maxed)
• Level 24: 3 Magic Guard (3)
• Level 25: 3 Magic Guard (6)
• Level 26: 3 Magic Guard (9)
• Level 27: 3 Magic Guard (12)
• Level 28: 3 Magic Guard (Maxed)
• Level 29: 3 Magic Armor (3)
• Level 30: 3 Magic Armor (6)

^ At the End
10 MP Boost (Maxed)
15 Magic Guard (Maxed)
20 Magic Claw (Maxed)
6 Magic Armor
10 Flame (Maxed)

1st point goes into magic claw for your first attack . Don't make the mistake I did and get MP Boost first, because it's no longer necessary after Big Bang. 1 point into Flame because everyone loves a summon, and then max Magic Claw. MP Boost after so you can have even more massive amounts of MP. Flame is cool, so max that from 21-23. Magic Guard isn't that useful until level 40+, so that can be maxed last. Finally, dump the extra 6 points into Magic Armor.

Alternatively you could think ahead, and max Magic Armor, and have 1 Flame, but summons turn 2HKOs into 1HKOs. Flame becomes useless at 100, but that's a long way to go. Might save a couple pots, so if you are really funded and can 1HKO everything, max Magic Armor.

^2nd Job

^2nd Job Skills
• Spell Mastery
Level 20: Magic Mastery: 50%, Magic ATT: +10
Pre Big Bang, all magician skills had built in mastery, meaning a level 1 attacking skill would have 2% mastery or so, and a maxe would have 60%. Now we max this skill, which actually gives 75% mastery with the built in 25% mastery. Stabilizes your range, and gives you 10 matt passively.
• Meditation
Level 20: MP Cost: 16, Magic ATT: +20, Duration: 200 sec
Your only party skill, it gives a rather nice boost to your damage.
• Slow
Level 10: MP -10; enemy's moving speed -40 for 40 sec.
Half as good as an explorer mage's Slow, but 1/2 the SP as well. Pretty useful on bosses like Bigfoot.
• Fire Arrow
Level 30: MP Cost: 33, Damage: 440%
The most useless skill you'll ever get as a Blaze Wizard. Takes way too much SP, only hits 1 (unlike its F/P counterpart) monster, and barely does more than Fire Strike. You shouldn't have more than 1 SP in this skill.
• Teleport
Level 20: MP Cost: 12, Range: 150
Extremely useful skill, makes you have mobility comparable to thieves. Use in conjunction with attacks for a technique called telecasting.
• Spell Booster
Level 20: MP Cost: 20, Duration: 200 sec
Boosts your attacking speed by 2 stages at all levels. Get 12 SP into it first, and max it later.
• Elemental Reset
Level 10: MP Cost: 50, Elemental Attributes: -100%, Duration: 300 sec
Turns your attacks to neutral, used to hit fire resistant/immune monsters like Gobies, Alishar, Fire Tusks, etc.
• Fire Pillar
Level 20: MP Cost: 42, Damage: 300% on up to 6 monsters
A good mobbing skill, even at level 1. It hits all around you, and will be your main skill in 2nd job, and still useful in 3rd.

^2nd Job Skills
• Level 30: 1 Fire Pillar (1)
• Level 31: 1 Teleport (1), 2 Spell Mastery (2)
• Level 32: 3 Spell Mastery (5)
• Level 33: 3 Spell Mastery (8)
• Level 34: 3 Spell Mastery (11)
• Level 35: 3 Spell Mastery (14)
• Level 36: 3 Spell Mastery (17)
• Level 37: 3 Spell Mastery (Maxed)
• Level 38: 3 Fire Pillar (4)
• Level 39: 3 Fire Pillar (7)
• Level 40: 3 Fire Pillar (10)

• Level 41: 3 Fire Pillar (13)
• Level 42: 3 Fire Pillar (16)
• Level 43: 3 Fire Pillar (19)
• Level 44: 1 Fire Pillar (Maxed), 2 Spell Booster (2)
• Level 45: 3 Spell Booster (5)
• Level 46: 3 Spell Booster (8)
• Level 47: 3 Spell Booster (11)
• Level 48: 1 Spell Booster (12), 2 Teleport (3)
• Level 49: 3 Teleport (6)
• Level 50: 3 Teleport (9)

• Level 51: 3 Teleport (12)
• Level 52: 3 Teleport (15)
• Level 53: 3 Teleport (18)
• Level 54: 2 Teleport (Maxed), 1 Fire Arrow (1)
• Level 55: 3 Meditation (3)
• Level 56: 3 Meditation (6)
• Level 57: 3 Meditation (9)
• Level 58: 3 Meditation (12)
• Level 59: 3 Meditation (15)
• Level 60: 3 Meditation (18)

• Level 61: 2 Meditation (Maxed), 1 Elemental Reset (1)
• Level 62: 2 Elemental Reset (4)
• Level 63: 3 Elemental Reset (7)
• Level 64: 3 Elemental Reset (Maxed)
• Level 65: 3 Spell Booster (15)
• Level 66: 3 Spell Booster (18)
• Level 67: 2 Spell Booster (Maxed), 1 Slow (1)
• Level 68: 3 Slow (4)
• Level 69: 3 Slow (7)
• Level 70: 3 Slow (Maxed)

^At the End
20 Fire Pillar (Maxed)
20 Spell Mastery (Maxed)
20 Teleport (Maxed)
20 Meditation (Maxed)
10 Elemental Reset (Maxed)
20 Magic Booster (Maxed)
10 Slow (Maxed)
1 Fire Arrow

1st point into Fire Pillar for mobbing. Next point into Teleport for mobility (although you won't use it much because of the 50 MP cost), and then max Spell Mastery for stable damage and 10 Magic attack. Then Fire Pillar for faster training. 12 points into Spell Booster to macro with Magic Armor, and then Teleport so you can stop wasting MP, and start having mobility. Teleport is much faster than a mount.

At level 54, put in the remaining point into Fire Arrow because I know you want a new move, and it does more damage on one target and saves MP over Magic Claw. Otherwise pretty useless, but 1 Meditation is terrible. Max meditation next for your first and only party skill, then Elemental Reset so you can damage Fire resistant monsters. Note that Elemental Reset allows you to hit Fire Immune monsters such as Fire Tusks, contrary to what some guides say. Max Spell Booster and macro it with Meditation. Hopefully you're still remembering to cast Flame every 200 seconds (you could macro that with SB and Med, but my computer lags too much in between each cast). Finally, slow so you can escape easier from monsters, and so monsters will stay inside Flame Gear for longer in 3rd job. Which brings us to...

Alternatively, if you maxed Magic Armor, you could not macro Spell Booster, and just get 6 Booster, which is pretty manageable. Then just do everything 2 levels earlier.

^3rd Job
^ 3rd Job Skills
• Elemental Resistance
Level 20: Elemental Resistance: +40%
Not a very helpful move, as most of the monsters you train on are non elemental.
• Elemental Amplification
Level 20: MP Cost: 160%, Magic Attack: 150%
Think of this as a passive Shadow Partner. Boosts all your moves by a lot, and the increased MP cost doesn't affect you much.
• Seal
Level 20: MP Cost: 20, Seal Duration: 20, Seal Chance: 95%
Would be useful if it worked on bosses, but it does not. You kill normal monsters too fast for it to take much effect, but keeps you from being blinded and weaken when you hunt for Peridots.
• Meteor Shower
Level 20: MP Cost: 300, Damage: 1300% to up 15 enemies, Damage Over Time: 170% damage every 1 sec for 10 sec, Cooldown: 30 sec
What once was the earliest ultimate in the game, is now the earliest "ultimate" with a 30 second cooldown. Majorly nerfed, but the DoT and range is still nice.
• Ifrit
Level 20: MP Cost: 90, Duration: 130 sec, Damage: 340% to up to 3 enemies.
The summon to replace Flame. Hits much harder, looks 10x cooler, and lasts for 70 seconds shorter. Oh well.
• Flame Gear
Level 30: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 240%, Duration: 40 sec, Damage Over Time: 100% damage every 1 sec for 8 sec
Perhaps the coolest looking DoT skill. Worse than poison mist, which does 60% more DoT, has a 7 second longer effect, can overlap, and to top it off, takes 10 SP less to maxed. And it's not even buffed after Chaos or Jump. Get this anyway, as it makes you unKSable at larger maps like Dual Ghost Pirates.
• Fire Strike
Level 30: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 430% on up to 6 monsters
Weaker than Flame Pillar at level 1, but casts much faster. Has a very long range in one direction, but bad vertical range. Your end-all move in 3rd job (Flame Pillar has uses for its AoE), used for training and bossing.
• Echo of Hero
Level 1: Consumes MP 30 and increases Weapon & Magic Attack by 4% for 40 Minutes.
Cygnus Knights get this skill at 120, while explorers get it at 200. Affects everyone on the map, and is glitched to last forever. 4% is more than you'd think.
• Empress's Shout
Level 1: MaxHP and MaxMP +20%
• Empress's Prayer
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Weapon and Magic ATT +4%
You get these skills after advancing to a Captain Knight. Would be useful earlier on, since you'll be on your UA after getting to 120 on your Blaze Wizard, but extra HP and MP never hurts. Prayer is like a self-Echo, but has the interesting effect of ignoring the accuracy formula. Meaning you can hit Horned Tail now. Now sure why someone would pick a level 120 CK over a 160+ other class, plus it has a 24 hours of play time cooldown. Use it once, never again skill.

^3rd Job SP Build
• Level 70: 1 Flame Gear (1)
• Level 71: 3 Fire Strike (3)
• Level 72: 3 Fire Strike (6)
• Level 73: 3 Fire Strike (9)
• Level 74: 3 Fire Strike (12)
• Level 75: 3 Fire Strike (15)
• Level 76: 3 Fire Strike (18)
• Level 77: 3 Fire Strike (21)
• Level 78: 3 Fire Strike (24)
• Level 79: 3 Fire Strike (27)
• Level 80: 3 Fire Strike (Maxed)

• Level 81: 2 Flame Gear (3), 1 Element Amplification (1)
• Level 82: 2 Flame Gear (5), 1 Element Amplification (2)
• Level 83: 2 Flame Gear (7), 1 Element Amplification (3)
• Level 84: 2 Flame Gear (9), 1 Element Amplification (4)
• Level 85: 2 Flame Gear (11), 1 Element Amplification (5)
• Level 86: 2 Flame Gear (13), 1 Element Amplification (6)
• Level 87: 2 Flame Gear (15), 1 Element Amplification (7)
• Level 88: 2 Flame Gear (17), 1 Element Amplification (8)
• Level 89: 2 Flame Gear (19), 1 Element Amplification (9)
• Level 90: 2 Flame Gear (21), 1 Element Amplification (10)

• Level 91: 3 Element Amplification (13)
• Level 92: 3 Element Amplification (16)
• Level 93: 3 Element Amplification (19)
• Level 94: 1 Element Amplification (Maxed), Save 2 Points (2)
• Level 95: Save 3 Points (5)
• Level 96: Save 3 Points (8)
• Level 97: Save 3 Points (11)
• Level 98: Save 3 Points (14)
• Level 99: Save 3 Points (17)
• Level 100: 20 Ifrit (Maxed)

• Level 101: 3 Flame Gear (24)
• Level 102: 3 Flame Gear (27)
• Level 103: 3 Flame Gear (Maxed)
• Level 104: 1 Seal (1), Save 2 Points (2)
• Level 105: Save 3 Points (5)
• Level 106: Save 3 Points (8)
• Level 107: Save 3 Points (11)
• Level 108: Save 3 Points (14)
• Level 109: Save 3 Points (17)
• Level 109: Save 3 Points (20)
• Level 110: 20 Meteor Shower (Maxed)

• Level 111: 3 Seal (3)
• Level 112: 3 Seal (6)
• Level 113: 3 Seal (9)
• Level 114: 3 Seal (12)
• Level 115: 3 Seal (15)
• Level 116: 3 Seal (18)
• Level 117: 2 Seal (Maxed), 1 Elemental Resistance (2)
• Level 118: 3 Elemental Resistance (5)
• Level 119: 3 Elemental Resistance (8)
• Level 120: 3 Elemental Resistance (11)
• Captain Knight Reward: 3 Elemental Resistance (14)
^At the End
30 Fire Strike (Maxed)
30 Flame Gear (Maxed)
20 Ifrit (Maxed)
20 Element Amplification (Maxed)
20 Meteor Shower (Maxed)
20 Seal (Maxed)
14 Elemental Resistance

You should max everything besides Elemental Resistance. 1 point goes into Flame Gear because it's super cool. Then max Fire Strike, because it's your main skill until level 120, and has huge horizontal range (I still use Flame Pillar for its AoE though). Next up alternate between 2 Flame Gear, and 1 Elemental Amplification. I know I made it more confusing, but trust me, you'll be that much stronger. I optimized the build for MP3, which you can start at 88. Flame Gear is good there because you can kill all the mobs on the bottom, cover it entirely with Flame Gear, kill everything on the top 2 platforms, and when you come back to the bottom, you can 1HKO the newly spawned Selkie Jrs./Slimies.

Elemental Amplification has greatly improved post BB. Before it was a nerfed version of normal mage's EA, with 200% MP for only 130% damage, but now it gives 150% damage for 160% more MP. Stop adding to Flame Gear at 21 SP, and, max EA because it provides such a big boost. and then start saving up for Ifrit at level 100. If you saved correctly, once you get Ifrit from Oz, you should be able to immediately max it. Coolest summon ever, eh?
Finish off Flame gear for maximum duration (40 seconds) and damage (100% of your max range for 8 seconds). Note that EA doesn't affect your damage range, but you still do the extra damage and MP cost. The extra MP doesn't apply to Teleport and other non-damaging skills. 1 Seal cuz you have nowhere else to put it, and then start saving up for METEOR!
Unfortunately, it now has a 30 second cooldown, meaning you have to use the lamer Fire Strike most of the time, but still it does 1300% damage to 15 monsters with insane range. You can now laugh at the other classes with the earliest ultimate in the game! Ultimate pwnage every 30 seconds, and you can start selling leech that much sooner >:3.
Seal is next, and finally dump the 11 points left into Elemental Resistance because you have no where else to put them besides into Fire Arrow or Magic Armor.

The only alternative here is to max Elemental Resistance instead, but I don't see why you would do this, as you should be training to 120 on Dual Ghost Pirates, which are not affected by it.
EDIT: Changed it to Max EA first because it boosts your damage more than Flame Gear.
EDIT 2: Change it to alternate between FG and EA.

MapleStory Big Bang Training Spots
1-14 Quests on Ereve
It takes forever walking back and forth between maps, but you'll be glad when your off 4 levels ahead of everyone else.

14-20 Blue Ribbon Pigs***
Blue Ribbon Pig, Level 13, HP 200, EXP 23
A good long map with huge spawn. No pot burn at all because these drop pots every kill.

20-30 Rotting Skeletons
Rotting Skeleton, Level 20, HP 850, EXP 74
These are very crowded for low levelled monsters, but for a good reason. They give 74 exp each, more than most level 30 monsters, and that amounts to over 1% per kill at level 20. These easily beat any monster until 2nd job, and 20-30 should take at most 45 minutes here, but I find them pretty boring.

20-30 Golems
Stone Golem, Level 20, HP 375, EXP 35
Dark Stone Golem, Level 23, HP 465, EXP 40
Mixed Stone Golem, Level 26, HP 580, EXP 47
Magic claw's high vertical range helps you KO 2 platforms at a time at the various maps. Try not to get hit that much, because they do heavy touch damage. The mini dungeon is probably the best from 25 onwards.

25-30 Zombie Lupins***
Zombie Lupin, Level 28, HP 720, EXP 53
Dark Tree Forest has platforms of mobs of these dead monkeys. Their magic attack is annoying, and they are pretty overrated IMO, but exp is exp.

30-40 Mushroom Kingdom quests
Ah yes, back to fast levelling doing quests. The monsters are awesome exp and spawn, and you get good rewards from doing them all, like a +2 all medal, and 2 matt gloves.

35-45 Kerning Square quests
Not quite as good as Mushroom Kingdom, but doing quests is grinding+extra exp combined, and not as boring. You get +1 all earrings from doing all the quests after killing a boss with 250k HP (took me about 10 minutes at level 55). At 43 or so you can start grinding on CDs at the top level, which have great spawn, on a rather flat map.

30-50 Carnival Party Quest
This is the first PQ with good exp, and for PQs crowded is a good thing (most of the time). You face another team, and kill monsters to get Carnival Points, which you can summon monsters with. Plus, monsters drop tons of pots, which are used automatically, which means you don't need to spend a single meso training here. Start out doing Trojan grinding, which is like 200% per PQ at level 30, and go on to Rombots at around 40. I would recommend doing Mushroom Kingdom first

Dead Scarecrow, Level 50, HP 3300, EXP 220
Back to the Haunted Mansion again. Like Rotting Skeletons, these things have more exp than monsters 10 levels above them. The map layout is the same, so it should be familiar training. This is the first taste of KSing you might get, because it is so crowded. Try to get your own map for optimal exp.

50-55 Drakes**
Copper Drake, Level 50, HP 3000,EXP 130
Drake, Level 52, HP 3400, EXP 141
Back to grinding it is. The maps are enormous, just like the spawn.

55-63 Moon Bunnies********
Moon Bunny, Level 55, HP 4000, EXP 156
"Wow, I'm doing like 2x as much damage here!" The first fire weak spot I would recommend for training. Go to the map right of Korean Folk Town, and there will be a map with a small hill and bunnies everywhere. Yes, these are the same ones as the one in Henesys PQ. A good place to use Fire Pillar is on the diagonals of the hill, where you can hit bunnies below you and around you at the same time.

58-65 White Fangs*******
White Fang, Level 58, HP 4900, EXP 179
Oh yeah, these things are also fire weak, and are an alternative to bunnies. It's slightly crowded though, and I find killing bunnies more relaxing than wolves.

Pirate PQ
If your tired of travelling around every 5 levels following my guide, why not just PQ? Just go to the Dimensional Door located at every town. Pirate PQ gives about 40k exp at the end, really good a lower levels. The main prize here is the mini zhelm, lord pirate's hat, which gives +5 all at at the fourth level. However, it gets boring, and you have to kill 10k monsters inside the PQ to get the +5 one. Still, for unfunded low luk mages like me, the hat is really good.

60-70 Water Goblins
Water Goblin, Level 60, HP 5500, EXP 194
Samiho, Level 62, HP 6300, EXP 213
Yay for fire weakness! Samihos can curse you for 1/2 exp, so either kill them quickly, or bring lots of Holy Waters. Flat map, great spawn, what more to say?

65-75 Zeta Grays******
Zeta Gray, Level 67, HP 8500, EXP 263
Finally, we can put Fire Pillar to use again. The top platform on Kulan Field III has about 12 of these at any given point, perfect for Fire Pillar's AoE.

70-80 Jesters
Twisted Jester, Level 70, HP 50000, EXP 1325
This is the most crowded map nexon has ever created. Good luck getting a channel here. If you can get one to solo, or share with 1 other person, say hello to super fast levelling. They have massive HP for their level, and also massive exp. They're like mini-bosses. A good thing about them is that they are super weak, doing about 1 touch damage to me.
There's another pretty unknown map (at least in Arcania) in the Haunted Mansion that is half as crowded, small, and has exactly 4 Jesters. Exp is about the same, and much less KSing. Refer to Hidden street for its location, or PM me.

70-105 Nihal Desert (Ariant & Magatia)
Jr.Cactus, Level 70, HP 10000, EXP 296
Cactus, Level 73, HP 13000, EXP 361***
Royal Cactus, Level 76, HP 17000, EXP 446
Sand Rat, Level 77, HP 19000, EXP 487
Scorpion, Level 81, HP 27000, EXP 650
Iron Mutae, Level 83, HP 31000, EXP 729***
Reinforced Iron Mutae, Level 84, HP 33000, EXP 767
Roid, Level 88, HP 41000, EXP 917
Neo Huroid, Level 89, HP 43000, EXP 954
Homunculus, Level 98, HP 61000, EXP 1268
I'm getting lazy of typing descriptions, so here's a giant area where you can train. Start at cacti because they're fire weak, and so you don't have to move around that much for the next 30 levels like I did. At level 75 you can start doing Ariant quests, which give you tons of exp and fame. Sand Rats and Scorpions left of Magatia have long maps, good for Fire Strike. Mutates in Alcadno labs decent (Mithril ones suck though), and Roids provide a good mini-dungeon. Homunculuses are a decent place to train after Roids.

90-100 Gobies***
Exploding Goby House, Level 90, HP 40500, EXP 0
Goby, Level 91, HP 47000, EXP 1026
Ah, pre BB maplestory. I remember back in 2008 when it was pro to train on gobies and dreamy ghosts, and killing pianus was like soloing horntail today. Let me tell you how it works. So you go directly left of the Aquarium into Dea Sea Gorge I. See the cannon rock things? Attack those until they die. Then 6 gobies pop out of it. There are 5 spawn points for houses, and I love getting 30 gobies to follow me around the map as they take DoT from Flame Gear. Elemental Reset ad Slow are your friends here. Sadly, Gobies have been nerfed tons. They used to give 1.4k exp for only 17k hp, but bb balanced out hp/exp ratios . But where else can you find a mob of 30 that follows you around the map? Aqua Road is super fun to train on if you didn't know, you can infini-jump and attack in mid-water! You have so much mobility in Aqua Road it's not funny. As a bonus, the level 98 bone fishes on the same map drop a bunch of valuable mastery books (which you will never be able to use). Not the best exp, but it's so fun! Fire underwater!

90-110 Mysterious Path 3
Selkie Jr., Level 90, HP 45000, EXP 1130
Slimy, Level 93, HP 51000, EXP 1260
Did I say Jesters was the most crowded map ever? I meant MP3. Even level 110's train here for the huge mobs. You can put Flame Gear and Fire Strike to good use here, especially on the fire weak Selkie Jrs.

100-110 Dreamy Ghosts/Himes
Dreamy Ghost, Level 100, HP 65000, EXP 1334
I remember back in the day when these were the most popular training spot for everyone level 100+. Not so much anymore, but they still give good exp. The map is perfectly flat, and Flame gear works well.
EDIT: I went here today, and they do pretty heavy touch damage (700-800). So they're right between MP3 and Pirates in terms of pot burn.
EDIT: Removed a # (what are those called anyway?) because the exp isn't actually that good.

102- 110 Klocks
Level 102 and 105
Similar to MP3, this map has fire weak lower levelled monsters, and non fire weak higher levelled ones (same 3 level difference as well). The spawn is large but spread out, and you're going to have to do quite a bit of moving around. The map prepares you for your last few training spots, a nice bonus. Use telecasting to your advantage here.

100-110 Pirates***
Kru, Level 103, HP 71000, EXP 1431
Captain, Level 105, HP 75000, EXP 1495
Do not mistake these for the ones in PPQ. These can easily do ~1k damage, meaning pot burn. Decent exp, plus there's a mini-dungeon for those of you in crowded servers.
EDIT: Docked a # because I only got around 50%/hour here at 108. The map isn't well suited for Fire Strike. Great for other classes though.

110-120 Ghost Pirates
Ghost Pirate, Level 110, HP 85000, EXP 1649
Dual Ghost Pirate, Level 114, HP 93000, EXP 1748
Why are all of the monsters in the Ludi clock tower fire weak? Better for us BW and FPs . As soon as you get meteor, come here. You could go even earlier if you want. After 10 levels of pure torture, you can finally start grinding fast. If you trained at Klocks, think those, but with dense spawns, instead of spread out. Huge map, multiple platforms, 10+ monsters on one of the spawning places at any given point. The difference here is that you have Meteor, which can 1HKO 15 monsters at once with a large area of effect, every 30 seconds! You can even clear 3 platforms if you stand on the bricks correctly. Fire Strike is a clean 3HKO, and Ifrit is pretty useful. Just remember to pot often, because these have around 1.5k touch damage (nearly a 1HKO without Magic Guard on o.0). Ghost Pirates from 110-114, and Duals from 114-120. High pot burn, but low cost because you can make 100 DGP drops into Adv monster crystal 2s that sell for 600k+ each.

115-120 Blue Kentauruses*******
Blue Kentaurus, Level 118, HP 101000, EXP 1884
As you can tell, these are fire weak as well. The map isn't too good, and the spawn is all spread out. But if you get bored of DGP, this is always another place to go.

Credits to MapleSecrets

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