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Updated on 20-Oct-24

MapleStory Wedding Revamp: Getting Married Has Never Been Easier!

Maybe it’s their eyes, or their hair, or the way they look as they launch a flaming attack on a platoon of green slimes. Whatever it is, you know you’ve discovered your MapleStory soul mate, and with the newly revamped wedding system, it’s easier than ever to tie the knot! Check out all the details below.


The first thing to be aware of is that all wedding arrangements and the ceremony itself will take place in the special town of Amoria. To reach Amoria, simply talk to Thomas Swift in the town of Henesys. Those who have been to Amoria before may notice that things are a bit different now.
  • The town of Amoria has been redesigned. It is now smaller and easier to get around.
  • The wedding hall is a new map.
  • The photo map has been changed to a map with a fountain and is decorated to resemble the new wedding hall.

The Engagement

  • To start the wedding process, you’ll need to purchase an engagement ring from Moony in Amoria.
  • Moony still offers the same selection of engagement rings: Moon Stone, Shining Star, Gold Heart, and Silver Wing.
  • Engagement rings are now priced in mesos and the former requirement to collect and turn in certain items has been removed.
  • Engagement rings may be sold back to Moony before you finalize your engagement.
  • Once you’re together with your beloved, just double-click the engagement ring and enter the player's name to propose!

Pre-Wedding Planning

To start the planning process, you must first form a party with your fiancée. To continue the planning:
  • Purchase the wedding coupon of your choice from the Cash Shop. There are three different types of weddings you can hold.
 Small Wedding Coupon
  • The Small Wedding Coupon is for a small, intimate wedding in the Chapel of Amoria.
  • Both bride and groom can invite five guests each.
  • When the ceremony is complete, you will each receive a 1-carat wedding ring.
 Grand Wedding Coupon
  • The Grand Wedding Coupon is for a large wedding in the Cathedral of Amoria.
  • Both bride and groom can invite 15 guests each.
  • When the ceremony is complete, you will each receive a 2-carat wedding ring.
 Premium Wedding Coupon
  • The Premium Wedding Coupon is for an extravagant royal wedding in the Cathedral of Amoria!
  • Both bride and groom can invite 30 guests each.
  • When the ceremony is complete, you will each receive a 3-carat wedding ring and access to a premium hunting map.
  • Make a reservation with either the Chapel or Cathedral wedding coordinator.
  • Make a gift wish list. This will be made available to your guests.
  • Wedding invitations will appear in the Etc section of your inventory. To invite a guest, double-click an invitation and choose someone to send it to!

The Big Day

  • For Cathedral weddings, the bride-to-be must sign a commitment document.
    Talk to High Priest John.
    Talk to Gary and Shatima to sign a commitment document.
    The bride-to be must then talk to High Priest John again.
  • The next step is to pay your wedding hall fee. For Chapel Weddings, speak with the Chapel staff. For Cathedral weddings, speak to the wedding assistant.
  • To enter the wedding, invited guests can either talk to the wedding assistant or double-click the invitation in the Etc tab of their item inventory.
  • Invited guests arrive on a map where they can give items to the bride and groom, buy bridesmaids' dresses or groomsmen's suits, and then enter and leave the wedding.
  • Talk to the assistant in the wedding hall to begin the wedding ceremony.
  • After your ceremony is over, you can speak to the photo specialist to move the party to the photo area. Note that this area has a timer on it. After the timer hits zero, you will automatically leave the photo area. Parties in a premium wedding will then go to a special hunting map.
  • Talk to Jacob in Amoria to exchange your engagement rings for wedding rings.

Post-Wedding Commitment Ceremonies

And they said it wouldn’t last! Celebrate the continued success of your union with special 30 and 100-day commitment ceremonies. 30 days after your marriage date, you will receive a letter from Ames the Wise, along with a silver heart shape effect that you can use. You will receive a similar letter at the 100-day mark, but the heart effect will be gold. When you receive your letter, you can participate in the 30 or 100-day Commitment ceremony.
  • Click on your letter. It will notify you that 30 or 100 days have passed since your marriage, and you are now eligible to participate in a Commitment Ceremony with your spouse.
  • Accept and visit Ames the Wise in Amoria.
  • Purchase a Commitment Ceremony Coupon in the Cash Shop.
  • Form a party with your spouse and make a Commitment Ceremony reservation through NPC Victoria.
  • Talk to Assistant Nicole and you will be moved to the commitment room where your wedding ring will change to a 30 Day Wedding Ring or a Promised Ring.
  • You will receive other items after the bride and groom sign the love commitments and exchange rings.
30 Day Rewards:
  • 30 Day Commitment Wedding Ring
  • 30 Day Love Chair
  • Heart Return Stones
100 Day Rewards:
  • Promise Wedding Ring
  • The Love Rain weather effect
  • A Couple T-shirt (Cash Shop item)
  • Heart Return Stones


Sadly, love between Maplers does not always work out. To annul your marriage, pay a fee to Pila Present in Amoria. You'll have four days to work things out and change your mind before the annulment is processed. Want to discuss your opinions of the wedding revamp with other players? Click here to go to our forum!

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