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Updated on 20-Oct-24

The Early Bird Catches The Worm - Results

Dear Maplers!
We are pleased to announce the winners for The Early Bird Catches the Worm Event held from 14th May 2012 to 1st August 2012 for the Cannon Shooter and the Demon Slayer class.
The IGN of Top 10 Cannon Shooter who have reached Level 200 within the shortest time during the event period will walk away with 1 x Miracle Scroll for Hand Cannon for Att
Congratulation to the following player who will walk away with a lifestyle prize on top of the Miracle Scroll reward.
1 x iPod Nano: deafmonk
1 x Nikon Camera: MeriamLaut

Ares Gateway
World IGN
Cassiopeia deafmonk
Aquila MyBigCannon
Delphinus/Eridanus/Izar Cannontic
Aquila iCannoneerxD
Aquila ShootsU
Cassiopeia Bodhisvtta
Delphinus/Eridanus/Izar DenzicCannon
Aquila AnchorS0uL
Cassiopeia BomberSon
Cassiopeia LoveBersih4

Artemis Gateway
World IGN
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules MeriamLaut
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules ksasuke0311
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules I3omSakalaka
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules Garrison
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules xTaeliM
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules ZhuLaoBan
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules xSaIty
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules DMonkey
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules Hanseiyu
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules LuckyCanon89

The IGN of Top 10 Demon Slayer who have reached Level 200 within the shortest time during the event period will walk away with 1 x Miracle Scroll for 1 Handed Blunt Weapon for Att
Congratulation to the following player who will walk away with a lifestyle prize on top of the Miracle Scroll reward.
1 x iPod Nano: iJoviRave
1 x Nikon Camera: xGalactus

Ares Gateway
World IGN
Delphinus/Eridanus/Izar xGalactus
Bootes iiBBSlayerZ
Aquila zAhPer
Aquila xReniiQue
Aquila D3vilDS
Cassiopeia OracIe
Aquila iDenial
Cassiopeia XxAYMONxX
Aquila MrTikoSlayer
Aquila DarkestFaith

Artemis Gateway
World IGN
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules iJoviRave
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules MaXimuSs
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules DSxiong
Fornax/Gemini/Hercules JrDeviluke

We would like to congratulate all winners once again and we hope everyone had a good time playing the new Legend Class.
Happy Mapling!
▪ A 30-digits redemption coupon will be email to all winners within 5-7 working days.
▪ Players are to check their Asiasoft Passport registered email for all the prize redemption codes.
▪ For lifestyle prize winners, a separate email will be sent with instruction on how to claim the lifestyle prize.
▪ Decision of the winners are final and Asiasoft Online reserves the right to modify the event and its terms without prior notice.

– MapleSEA Administrator

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