Many maplers have been wondering what is the drop rate of DOM (dominator pendant) in Arkarium boss (normal mode).
Here is my answer. I have been killing Arkaium EVERYDAY for 1 year! Gotten less than 5 CFs (confusion fragment) in total.
Throughout that 1 year, I never equip any drop rate equips at all, so my drop rate is 0%. I picked up 2 dominator pendants in total for the year. So if we want to calculate the drop rate for dominator pendant that is...
2/365*100 = 0.54794520547%
That's is lesser than 1% as expected. This is game is hosted by Asiasoft (MONEYSOFT), therefore you can expect drop rate to be very very low (as Asiasoft want you to spend $ to get those items).
I have see people killing Arkarium just to hunt for dominator pendant. But, before that you can read above as a reference, so do you want to invest 1 year of your time to hunt 1 dominator pendant... + a few CFs... is it worth, YOU DECIDE!!!