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Updated on 20-Oct-24

UPS 100% (Unique Potential Scroll 100%) GLITCH?!!?!!?

Hey, as you guys know the UPS (unique potential scroll) glitch, it is actually not a glitch, but it is rather a way that can get unlimited number of unique potential scrolls 100% and has been abused by many maplers. And recently there is a wave of mass accounts ban due to this.

Anyway, don't ask me to reveal that method here, as you know gamemaster is banning account, it is not appropriate for me to reveal it. But common sense, you should know how to do it. If 1 Maple ID can get 1 UPS, then 2 Maple ID can get 2 UPS.... and so on.

By training Hayato to lvl 33, and getting mass UPS! I never abuse that at all because I don't see the point of abusing it as my equips are all completed. Anyway, here is UPS 100%.

With this scroll, you can scroll anything to become unique! This makes it so easy for anyone to get unique equips.... if this event is released years back, I should have abused it, but since I have completed my equips... nah... no way I going to abuse this so call glitch that has been promoting widely on the MapleSEA FB groups.

I used this UPS on a fresh fafnir bow that I gotten from killing C vellum. Here is the end result, and I'm planning to sell off this bow at 5b+.

I will be putting this bow on Maple Auction System to sell. Anyway, this is the first time MapleSEA being so generous of giving out UPS 100%. Can't request for more. Plus, this upcoming Tuesday, there is a M-day event that you can get 50% legendary potential scroll, fafnir weapons and more (if you have done before M-day event you should know what I'm talking about.

Stay tune, for watch out for my blog posts on more upcoming events!

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