I have been using this ring for several months now, and bring it to bossing everyday and every week. This is what I found out.
This ring is fking and freaking the best item out of all your equips and accessories. This ring alone is even better than your ACS whole set!
Imagine if you go to kill normal lucid with a party of 6. You alone has the BOD but others does not have it. Even you got almost not so good mechanical skills to survive at the boss fight. This ring alone is able to help you.
I have tested I always go to normal lucid, or any hard bosses. I'm always the last one or last 2 on the boss fight that is still surviving. The reason is that, if the boss fight got 10 lives to spare. You actually got 20+ or infinite of lives to spare if you can play well.
If you got low range, and a good mechanical skills and enough time, you can down a lot of bosses.
It is no wonder this ring worth 5k and can buy your whole ACS set including weapon. It is so godly, that it can help you survive through boss fight.
This ring is a MUST have ring in the whole game. MUST have you heard me.
So long as this ring has this heaven door skill, this is the best ring in the game.
Even you got low range, the first item you should go for is this ring. I found out that this ring is fking imba in boss fight.