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Updated on 20-Oct-24

MapleSEA - Guild Noblesse skills

If you are reading this, you should be looking forward to Guild Noblesse skills which gives either 30% Boss damage, Critical Damage, LED, or Damage %. If you open the guild skills tab you will see it.

It is super useful for bossing, especially if you always go for dojo, it helps too. 30% CD makes a big difference if you got 100% critical rate. 

But one of the cons of these skills is that it will disappear if you die, you need to have unlimited numbers of buff freezer (get from cash shop) in bossing to maintain it. However, if you happened to get a broid (Battleroid M or F) from IGacha or you can find from others in FB group. It can acts as an permanent buff freezer for your buff skills in bossing. Even if you die at boss hard, the guild noblesse buffs will be maintained. 

Anyway, Mileage shop got sell 5 buff freezers 500 mileage each can get 5 per month if u want perm buff freezer then just get broid.

This guild noblesse skills is a super useful buffs in terms of bossing or dojoing. 

So next, you will ask which guild to find?

What Guild to find?

Just join like lv 28 or 29 guild, you should have a minimum have 2 noblesse skills maxed or like the image above, I joined a lvl 29 guild.

How to get guild noblesse skills?

Only way to get noblesse skills are through flag and gpq so if u guys dont do it then u wont get noblesse skills.

How to maintain the guild noblesse skills?

Every monday the noblesse skills point will reset, and your guild members need to go for Flag race or the GPQ (Guild party quest) to get ranked and get the SP to add the noblesse skills. So, you need to follow a strict guild rules by your guild.

It is a kinda of fk up thing, as maple make use of this to make you keep going back to play. But, for noblesse skills, it is worth. 

Can you slack and enjoy the noblesse skills?

As in the guild in general like if got sufficient members to go flag race, GPQ then honestly u can slack and enjoy the noblesse skills

How to add Guild Noblesse skills?

Usually CD first

Then either bd or dmg and ied is the last for noblesse assuming u are the guild master

The IED below should be the last to add.

Assuming if your guild is not an active guild. You should join a more active guild cos 30% cd really makes a big diff.

That's all for Noblesse skills. 

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