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MapleSEA Boss Monsters Spawn Times Rate | Boss Entrance Time Reset

Picture may take some time to load. Ctrl + F to find the Boss Monster you want to know. Boss will spawn for a period of time after each kill.

Due to inactive updates from previous source, thus, if you found any mistake or update,  update me here via commenting below.

Party Quest Boss (Part 1)
Party Quest Boss (Part 2)
Party Quest Boss (Part 3)

Summoning Boss: King Goblins (Korean Folk Town)
Summoning Boss: Captain Latanica (Boat Quay Town - Ghost Ship)
Summoning Boss: Krexel (CBD - Ulu City)
Summoning Boss: Targa & Scarlion Boss (Kampung Village - Fantasy Theme Park)
Summoning Boss: Papulatus Clock (Ludibrium Clocktower)
Summoning Boss: Zakum (El Nath Dead Mine: Zakum's Altar)
Summoning Boss: Bodyguards & The Boss (Showa Town: Hideout)
Summoning Boss: Horned Tail (Leafre Dungeon: Cave of Life)
Summoning Boss: Pink Bean (Timeless Temple)
Summoning Boss: Time temple sub bosses

Adventurers: 3rd & 4th Job Advancement Boss
Knight of Cygnus: Quest & Job Advancement Boss

Non-Event Boss (Level 60 & below)
Non-Event Boss (Level 61-100)
Non-Event Boss (Level 101 & above)
Boss (> Level 140) & Rare spawn normal monsters
Anti-bot Boss

*mn = midnight

    Krexel = 24hr 
    Papulatus = 12mn (Papulatus is twice per 24 hrs, resets at 12 midnight, in terms of entering the Papu map. The cracked piece of dimension you get from the npc also resets at 12 midnight. )
    Zakum = 12mn
    Horntail = 12mn
    Pink Bean = 24hr
    Vergamont = 24hr
    Auf Haven = 24hr
    Capt Latanica = 24hr  
    BGs & Big boss = 24hr

Acknowledgement of Source

The 20 timers below ensure you that you can keep track of all the bosses' spawn timings of all the 20 channels' bosses accurately. You can tick on the option ''play sound'', the sound will alert you when you are in game.

Channel 1

Channel 2

Channel 3

Channel 4

Channel 5

Channel 6

Channel 7

Channel 8

Channel 9

Channel 10

Channel 11

Channel 12

Channel 13

Channel 14

Channel 15

Channel 16

Channel 17

Channel 18

Channel 19

Channel 20

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